My analog A/V setup - 240p goodness

Finding a DC SCART cable is proving difficult. I had no idea it output VGA, it must be pretty old.

Yeah the Dreamcast outputs VGA either with the correct video adapter or a minor mod.
The VGA adapter for the Dreamcast isn’t a converter but supplies any missing circuity for VGA
Mostly some capacitors, resistors and diodes

I recommend an actual external VGA box as many has RCA breakouts for games that do not support VGA.

Keep in mind there is a very small list of Dreamcast titles that do not support VGA naively, some can be "patched"

Actually, no internal modification is necessary to get RGB (15kHz or 31kHz “VGA”) from the Dreamcast. It can all be done in the cable. You just need a switch to select modes, and caps on the color lines somewhere. See my second post of this thread.

I don’t think that tying 5v and ground to the H and V sync lines using the resistors and diodes, as shown in that link, is necessary. I just ran them straight through, and the levels it outputs by default are fine. It works perfectly with either my TV + transcoder or a computer monitor.

Yes, the software support side can be a pain in a few rare cases. I found that my US Street Fighter Alpha 3 doesn’t support any kind of RGB. Burning a patched copy is really easy, but there’s controversy as to whether you should use very high quality CD-R’s to avoid damaging the system over time.

The VGA mod for the Dreamcast is only if you do not have a VGA adapter, I do agree that trying the +5 and gnd to V and H sync is unnecessary.
As its unnecessary for scart, you just need the caps on RGB which is in the scart cable.

This is the VGA adapter I used for my Dreamcast

What is crazy is looking for a GameCube Component or D Terminal Cable. Every seller is selling way too high believing the market will bear.
If I somehow got the D Terminal Cable, I would not even have to modify it as the XRG2 Plus has a D terminal port. And it should not be hard to make a D terminal to Component adapter.

I was referring to the XRGB-2. My bad. I also was told to only go for a very specific brand DC SCART cable.

But you can generally make any game VGA or RGB right? Like it’s very few that don’t support either natively. Also hi again!

There is a number of Dreamcast games (like 2% of the US titles) that do not support 480P @ 31kHz.

Not every game (or console) can support RGB, there a list of Dreamcast titles that can’t be patched
I know of a more in depth and detailed guide then the one I linked but it goes to a Rom sharing site, so I am not linking it here.

Even if you don’t have the adapter you don’t need to mod internally. You can rewire a SCART cable to get any type of video available from the Dreamcast. You just need to connect the proper mode select lines, or provide a switch. It can all be fit inside the cable, in the d-sub or SCART hood.

Not sure if we’re in disagreement, or just a misunderstanding of semantics…

Hi. Haha.

Yup, what Darksakul said. I guess we can’t link you to it, but just google it to find the comprehensive list, and also how to patch problem games.

Its probably me, I might just be reading too much into Mmmokey’s schematics. What you are telling me that his schematics are overly convoluted.
You are the one with a friend who have experience in broadcasting industry, so your information have more credibility. It is kinda like Arguing with Markman on the schematics of a Mad Catz Arcade stick.

I just happen to have a VGA connector like the one I posted above from a few years ago back when Dreamcast VGA cables where alot more common.
I rather stick with the VGA adapter for now as I don’t need to hunt down a pricy Scart cable. Its a good thing retro_console_accessories eBay store is back up.
Also I found a just a good vender who ships pretty fast for a dude in the UK, retro_gaming_cables who has a website and an eBay store. He also know how to do the mods for NTSC scart cables and adapters to the XRGB units.

Also I notice something, and I was wondering if you can set the record straight here. In the on going Digital vs Analog formats, I understood that component cable is superior to HDMI in terms of cable construction and design and that component cable (which is coaxial) can be run to a maximum of 200 feet without signal loss or a repeater while HDMI cables can only go 50ft without a repeater, is consist of twisted pairs and HDMI protocols lack any kind of error checking other digital data transmissions will have,

Well, I’m not getting my info on the Dreamcast stuff from my friend, just my experience. I’m sure Mmmonkey’s handling of the sync lines is technically more correct, and will better provide the exactly correct signal level sync pulses, which will be guaranteed to work with anything you connect it to. However, I don’t think it’s that critical, as I haven’t had any problem driving anything so far just by passing the H and V sync directly as is, and I doubt anyone else will unless they have a monitor/transcoder/processor which is extremely picky about ultra-precise sync levels.

In any case, the rest of that diagram, aside from what is done with H and V sync, is exactly what I’ve done. I just placed it inside the cable, instead of inside the console, and my switches allow the 15kHz RGB modes to be selected in addition to the 31kHz “VGA” RGB mode.

My thought is that keeping as much of the custom work in the cables instead of the consoles themselves just saves me from redoing anything if a console needs to be replaced.

DC SCART cables aren’t expensive. You could sell that adapter, buy a SCART cable, and pocket the difference. Also, that adapter would need to be modified slightly to allow the 15kHz RGB modes to be selected.

As for the component vs. HDMI stuff. Trollin’ me? Again, just not sure… what’s your question?

That in terms of which is better? That you can run a longer Component cable without interference/signal lost than you can with a HDMI cable. That HDMI is heavily prone to interference and bit errors.
Never mind its kinda off topic.

And I looked on eBay, wow $100 to $150 for a VGA adapter I paid $30 for…

[edit]I found a thread on the Neo Geo Forums that deals with Dreamcast games that have issues with RGB either scart or VGA.

I still need to learn how to make all those super complex cables and stuff to really optimize the setup. I’ve been out of the game all summer.

They ain’t that complicated.
I even found several sources that sells scart cables and even scart switches.

It’s more complex than that. I’m talking about using special VGA cables that are pretty much SCART cables on the inside. I remember the PS2 and Dreamcast were particularly a pain in the ass.

R-cade pointed out that VGA is just RGBHV or RGB with an vertical and horizontal sync @ 31khz instead of 15 khz.
With the Dreamcast this can be done in the cable (Plug) with a on/off switch.
With the PS2 you could get a sync splitter or just run the RGB though a line doubler (like one of Microcom’s XRGB units)

Dreamcast A/V port pinout

Pin 1 Ground
Pin 6 selects selects horizontal scan: Grounded = 31KHz (VGA) Floating/disconnected = 15KHz (TV)
Pin 7 selects format: Grounded = RGB; Floating/disconnected = Composite/S-Video

All what a those VGA boxes do is offer a DPPT switch to hit both Pin 6 and 7, and offer the caps for RGB
So just putting a On/Off switch in between Pin 6 and Pin 1 can make the cable select between 31 Khz and 15 Khz

Scart isn’t really a format, its a plug that can carry various other formats all at the same time.

Here is a hack I found that offers the same mod and R-cade was suggesting with the VGA box I showed

But I just getting a DC Scart, see how that works. It I like it I selling the VGA adapter. If I like the VGA, I am selling the scart.

Well, “VGA” can have several independent meanings:

  1. VGA as video format can mean anything any RGB with seperate H and V sync, regardless of resolution or horizontal scan rate.
  2. VGA can refer to the specific resolution of 640x480@60Hz (31kHz).
  3. VGA can also refer to a range of 31kHz resolutions (CGA = 15kHz, EGA = 24kHz). For example, a “VGA arcade monitor” can display a variety of 31kHz resolutions.
  4. VGA as a connector means a 15-pin high-density d-sub connector (DB-15HD), and a VGA cable is a cable with those connectors on both ends.

Can you see why I don’t like the term VGA? To prevent confusion, I really prefer to say:

  1. RGBHV
  2. 480p
  3. 31kHz
  4. DB15-HD

The problem is that if most people aren’t familiar with all those terms, you have to say VGA sometimes.

Yes, but the thing about PS2 and PS3 is that you have to pull sync out of the composite video pin in 240p/480i, but you have to get it from the green video line in 480p. I haven’t yet tried feeding the green video to an LM1881 or EL4583 (one of my Super Emotias just happens to work with sync on green so no need). If you’ll be changing back and forth between resolutions, you might also need to rig something up to change where sync is being pulled from. This could probably be automated with a simple circuit. It could all probably be done fair easily, but I haven’t tried it yet.

When the stars align hopefully we can continue our legendary series of PMs R-Cade.

Finding patches to Non-RGB complaint Dreamcast games are a pain in the ass.
This by no means reason to support piracy, but I wouldn’t mind modding existing titles I just happen to have…

Too bad Jojo Bizarre adventures are on the “Do not work list” but I am looking into the Japanese Jojo Bizarre Adventures for Matching Service disk and see what develops.
[Edit] It does work, woot, abert its in Japanese so I don’t understand anything in story mode.

Although I did found out the game is being re-released as a PSN/ XBLA download later this month.

I’m a little late to the conversation, but did you guys hear about the Universal PPU project? Someone has created a universal PPU using an FPGA, so no need to hack a PC-10 board to get RGB NES. He is just going to production now.

Lol, ok.

I think you can find instructions on how to patch any game yourself.

I think I’ve heard of this. Does this correct the color palette problems you get with a PC-10 PPU in an NES?

Yep, that’s from what I understand. Not exactly sure how complicated of an implementation it will be when released, but somehow it is supposed to be the one PPU to rule them all, and solve all the palette compatibility issues. Which would allow RGB NES, and take away the need to swap out different PPUs for Nintendo VS. PCBs. For the most part, it’s over my head, but if it works, I’m grabbing one as soon as it’s ready.