How can I become playing Felicia? I just want to get to 200 wins, and I want to get good with my favorite character, but damn I’m struggling just for a few wins.
My usual team is with Felicia, Morrigan & Trish/Wolverine… but Felicia is probably my weakest link and I don’t know why. I have been able to do all 10 missions with Felicia, but they were really hard for me (hours of trying just to finish mission #10). I try to do those Bread and Butter combos, but I can’t do them at all let alone consistently. I feel kind of dangerous with Morrigan, by comparison, but it is Felicia I’m trying to get good at.
I’m a class “9th Judge” with 57 wins and 122 losses.
One last question: How to best punish Akuma’s electric hurricane kick? I know you’re supposed to wait until the 2nd hit then do the advanced block push-away…but then he’s out of reach and I can’t punish him.
Thank you very much.
From what I know, Felicia is all about using her speed for rushdown and mixups. With this in mind, you wont have to worry about landing some of her long bnbs, so long as you are able to do consistent resets. Rushdown characters are great as points because they get the damage in as early as possible. Even if they are the first to die, they pressure the shit out of your opponent, making them scared to push buttons at the start of the match.
Watch this vid of her resets, courtesy of Tataki:
Watch some of James Chen’s Felicia on WNF and hang around the Felicia boards.
thanks for the tips man, anything would be good for help. >_< getting real frustrated at myself, just got ranked down to fighter with 59 wins & 139 losses now
Hey don’t sweat it man. In the end online play is still online play, and losses shouldn’t matter if you get something out of them. I used to get pissed as hell losing SF4 matches but now it’s like whatever.
Oh my God, thank you so much! You don’t know how rotten I feel loosing almost every game I play.
I mean some of the matches I know I’m just outskilled. But the other matches? I see them spamming the same tactics or using the Sentinel/Hulk/Akuma all the time and I know I can’t beat them because I just don’t have the control over my characters yet (like doing the down, down forward, forward +partner1/2 to knock their player out to force another character in…I struggle doing that b/c its so hard for me to do that in the middle of a combo b/c I have so much trouble setting up a combo in first place >.<)
Anyway thanks again, I’ll check out the Felicia board.
62 wins now, just 148 to go
on my old psn account i was 60wins and 130 losses
so i know how u feel about always loosing and getting down rank
good luck on ur game play
also remember wen playing online thers gonna be matches wer thers lots of lag that play a factor on u loosing or wining messes up the whole game play