MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

How u lern da cawmbos so quik?

Bucky/Chris, team NRA.

stole someone elses on reddit then made it better

learnin the groundwork for yourself is for suckers

Something I accidentally figured out about Mind Stone. Apparently the air version is actually pretty solid for neutral use.

Accidentally hit the mind surge button trying to jump away in the corner from an opponent and as they jumped up at me it just grabbed them up.

Air mind surge is 4 frame start up which is as fast as the fastest jabs in the game and I think only Rocket, Spiderman and maybe one other character has 4 frame jabs. There are some 4 frame specials also and Spencerā€™s armor piercer I believe is 3 frame which is the same start up as throws. So air Mind Surge allows you to suck up anything thatā€™s flying at you before its hit box comes out with something that is only one frame slower than a neutral throw.

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@ā€œEvil Canadianā€ I canā€™t get the dash cancel outta arm block to work in that first combo, what am I missing?

for after gunshot lp arm, gotta let it rest for a split second else you gonna get the HP arm to come out.

Ok, figured it out. Apparently you can only double punch dash outta arm block punch and not pad double tap. Weird.

also dis now

Messing around with Venom, heā€™s pretty fun.

Venom is like Sigma 2.0
Getting first hit can be tricky, but ALL the easy confirms and damage once you get that hit.
I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be adding him to my rotation, butā€¦ I might.

Mechanically, Bucky seems good. But heā€™s still WAY too boring for my taste

I want to play Black Widowā€¦
But I donā€™t think I have the skill to make her work. :sad:

If the first hit for venom is tricky its not very sigma like at all!

sigma just mash charge all day every day

Welp, more Disney/Fox merger talks -

Gotta be ā€˜that guyā€™ and remind that the merger could happen tomorrow and that doesnā€™t necessarily mean FF or X-Men characters in this game. If the rumors hold true perhaps some X-Men are coming anyway, but itā€™s unlikely Capcom is just waiting on a merger to start character development.

Not to mention Marvel expressly wanted to push the MCU, which XM and FF still wouldnā€™t show up in until at least Phase 4.5, which is 4-5 years away.

We gonna get Fantastic Four, but turns out its gonna be the FF from the era where they all had giant fuck off guns and flak jackets

If Marvel gets X Men they will shove them into the MCU as fast as possible just like how getting Spiderman made them change things at the drop of a hat despite having be so close to Infinity Wars.

Finally played venom and black widow. Venom is fun as hell, very easy to pick up. I did training for like 2 minutes and jumped into casual matches. His easy hyper is really fast n dirty when heā€™s on the far left or far right. Widow is gonna take some getting used to and I hope sheā€™s worth the trouble. Havenā€™t tried Bucky yet.

I bought a ps4 specifically for this game and Iā€™m basically a MvC fanboy, but with the first season out now, this is the game we should have gotten at launch. It now feels like a full package. Sucks it cost 90 instead of 60 for it all, and that the costumes arenā€™t included in the season pass, but the game really is fun.

Felt the same way too. MVCI felt like UMVC3 2.0 because of all the returning characters and only 5 new characters. With the new 6 it feels more new and even refreshing to see faces we havenā€™t been accustomed to since MVC3.

It only gets better now at this point. What I hope to see? If they do a season pass.

6 new characters. 4 Cap/2 Mar
New or Continuation of Story Mode
New Wave of Costumes
New Stages
More ways to use surges of stones. (Ex. Space stone push back)

MvCI felt like a brand new game to me because of 2 v 2, the tag system and I couldnā€™t play for shit. Fucking 2 months to get muscle memory.

Fuck that noise.

(Oh and NOTHING in this game plays like DOK/Dorm/Doom)

Made a Black Widow player rage quit today.

Using Sigmaā€™s counter vs her bombs makes Sigma teleport behind her, which really seemed to piss off the poor guy since I used it quite a bit.

Tried to find an infinite for Venom with Time Storm looping the ā€œsharkā€ and Venom Rush

Didnā€™t work