MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Reality storm the best? Well you can’t be right all the time.
Almost stopped playing the game for a bit, but started having fun with Brand/MH.
It’s kind of what Marvel does as a long time player, pisses you off, may even bore you
then you’re like…let me try this. Went back to Space Stone and I’m much happier.

If there were a couple of minor Universal things I’d change about this game:

Screen freeze input lag
Improved throw utility, say allow tag during throw, I guess comboing after throw for only certain characters makes them unique, but some characters do it all. (which I guess is unique)
Kill the invincibility on incoming active switch. (So that shit won’t go through projectiles, granted I think part of this is due to the fact that projectiles exist off screen)
Little impartial on chicken blocking, but if throws were improved I wouldn’t hate on it returning.
Let someone choose which side they want to counter switch in. (I know this would drastically change how we play. I’m all for more neutral personally.)

2 cents.

Dante is still top 1

It’s official for me now. Top spec computer, gaming monitor, and yea, I’m disappointed. Those MH combos I couldn’t do before? Played at my boys spot on the PS4 and got that shit in minutes.

You heard it hear boys there’s something fundamentally different in combo timing on PC it’s hella stricter. Makes me sad.


Depends what Xbox stick you’re using, the Hori sticks have 14ms of lag, where as the TE2+ only has 2.5ms of lag. Lag will vary depending on how well your stick drivers work with Windows, the most optimal way to play on Windows would be with a wired 360 or wired XBO stick/controller as they’re designed to directly interface with Windows, as opposed to other 3rd party PCB’s that are not, like Madcatz, etc. I’d imagine the best route would be a custom PS360+ PCB, as it’s the fastest and most compatible PCB on the market.

Ahhh got it, so stick lag too eh. Gotta love it. I’m on a Qanba. Seriously though, not getting another stick just in case it’s the same shit LOL
So did some research, drivers, made adjustments in steam and eureka. I’m doing shit on PC too. Guess shit isn’t so plug and play.

I went awol after the final full release details for Infinite came out, as there was nothing than was my personal taste in the game and I didn’t want to be in this forum bashing Infinite unduly, especially when I’m not playing the game.

But then @Intuitive2011 showed me this:

Is the site alright?

I’m still seeing Dante complaints. I thought he got balanced after the update?

  • ***Thank You @Cisco *** crowd chant.

I think Dante is within top 5 to 7 still, but no longer think he’s clear number 1 after nerfs. Million dollars being escapable after flash and going down to 9k health puts him in an ambiguous situation tier wise immediately for me.

Top 5 for me in no order would be, raccoon, zero, dorm, nova, Dante

Jedah and gamora would be 6 and 7

Yeah as far as overall play and account for use on point, that’s probably about what top 7 is for me also.

Strider is getting pretty close for me now too. If he had a grounded invincible super top 5 for sure. I think his airborne super is invincible though so that’s not bad.

Yea strider has some cheap stuff. Would probably put strider, firebrand, ultron for 8 9 and 10 slot

Dante’s main “weakness” is vs faster characters, though he does outrange them anyway. Having to go against someone like Spider Man could be a problem, as web zip gives no fucks about his projectiles or normals.

That’s pretty much everybodies weakness who doesn’t have a get the fuck off me button.

good stream going on

Finally starting playing Marvel again since all 6 DLCs have launched and I am totally in love with Winter Soldier’s gameplay. I had a strong feeling I’d like him based on his reveal trailer and glad I was right. I finally have my main team in Strider Soldier, but not really sure which of the two should be on point.

Also have been labbing it up with MonHun but clueless on how to use her in the neutral.

I play some guy online every once in a while who has a pretty solid Soldier/Strider with Soul. Typical team where Solider sprays shit on screen for Strider to go HAM with. Winter Solidier gives the team a lot of defensive options so Strider can play behind Solider instead of having to always put himself out there.

Monhun, short jump fierce conditioning into short jump pre-emotive lights and spiny thing. Jump arrows, up close heavy, if they are heavy happy or like to use launchers fight them with lights or punish if they don’t make them safe. Pushblock into range punishes plus tag works wonders against yolo. Best MH’s are bold as fuck with the dodge and grounded/up arrows. Always try to go demon mode asap. Learn to tiger knee spiny shot flawlessly.

Everything else is support tag outs. Her neutrail is read heavy unfortunately. Don’t cinematic super without a tag ready.

Was going to say the same thing. Winter Soldier is pretty awesome. May grind him more this character seems pretty strong.

Yo Venom Dorm allows for some brain dead conversions if you’re caught with a Dark hole anywhere on screen by one because of how far Venom travels on switch.
I think Venom could be a pretty amazing damage engine for anyone with a range game. Still sucks solo imo.

I really hope MvCI continues to get support in the future.

Played a good amount of DBZ over the weekend and I can say for sure it is definitely not as fun as MvCI. Still fun enough to cop an early release but I don’t think it has the staying power that marvel has.