MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Spoken like someone who hasn’t really had a true FGC experience.

I’ve been playing SFxT for close to 6 years now. It’s not just because I’m good at it or I hate whatever else is on the market, because I actively play SFV and Tekken 7 with friends and even won a few charity tournaments in SFV. I’ve accepted that right now I don’t have the execution needed for MVCI or the time to get it, but I’ll watch it gladly and lab when I can.

I play SFxT because like Clockwork and Mahvel I have a personal history with the game. I got into SFxT heavy because I needed an outlet to vent for a lot of drama going on in my life at the time, and throughout the years as I climbed up the professional ladder and out of the pit of misery, SFxT and its community was with me the entire way. Even though I’m the only one among the original #SFxT IRC to still be playing other than a couple of people that I roped into the new SFxT Discord once that PC Online Patch went public and allowed us to play online again, the original crew has their own dedicated Discord solely devoted to talking to one another as friends. We became a family, us against the rest of the FGC, and this year we’ve been making big waves. Windalfr, Coolkid and Ice have all had great years in SFV and Fergus went to Tekken World Finals.

This year I not only got the closest thing I’ve ever had to a directorship as a BCBA, but I finally defeated Esuta and won the side tournament at EVO, convincingly. I even had an offline set with Poongko in the lobby just before the doors opened and did absolutely spectactular. It was clear as day that I was a different man than I was when I first stumbled into Final Round 16 and encountered him in SFxT.

Now that my my career is at the point that it is I barely have enough time to even lab during the week: I just go ham on weekends for the games I play, or set up an appointment to play a set in whatever. SFxT will ALWAYS be a part of me. I’ve had Redbull articles written about me. I’ve been featured on SRK’s front page three times this year. I won a tournament at EVO against someone who not only plays the game, but plays it consistently well AND is good enough to beat big names in current games. I was on two different lists for the most inspirational FGC figures thing that was going around twitter. There is absolutely no way I would have done any of that without this SFxT journey.

THAT is why Clockwork is getting tilted over this, because he’s the same way. Marvel isn’t just a game to him, it was a phase of his life that molded him into the man he is today. He is 100% right to get upset that keyboards warriors are laughing at people who take this game seriously like they’re inferior. He is not a shill. He’s not even at Capcom anymore. He calls it like it is. People who jump on hate bandwagons are talking about things they don’t have any credibility to say and the people who actually play the game are calling them out on it.

People said crack wouldn’t come and it came.

Now crack is here to stay.

Unfortunately the majority of the “fgc” is people who don’t even play the games to get better or even play at all and they have the most pull because they are stream views. Can even tell by this site. People talking everything but the gameplay.

What even counts as a true FGC experience?
I may not be a tournament player, but I have more hours than I should in certain fighting games. There’s a difference between being passionate for a game that you like and vehemently defending a game like an autist. Going to the extent to try to exclude everyone who has a differing opinion on the state of the game doesn’t make any sense.
At what point can one consider people to be on a “hate bandwagon”? When popular opinion isn’t swayed in your favor?
t. someone who has been playing the game since release.

I think, after a bit more time passes (AT LEAST one year after launch), Capcom should do a major system update. A few things off the top of my head that should be addressed:

  • HC meter should max out at 5. This makes counter switch xx level 3 possible AND makes Mind Stone better because you can build more meter.
  • Chip damage is not negligible on grounded opponents (air can still take more chip than ground, but this is just silly right now)
  • Damage-based HSD is proportional to the attacking character’s max health (big bodies have less hitstun scaling)
  • Hyper freeze no longer eats inputs
  • Reduce Infinity Gauge build from getting hit/dying, build some from attacking/blocking (evens out meter gain between the winner and the loser)

You just proved my point.

Being a tournament player absolutely is part of the FGC experience for what matters, because it is an FGC event that is being discussed for MVCI’s place in it. Clockwork’s love for the game isn’t JUST the actual game, it’s the people he’s encountered along the way to become good at it. Like I said, all the guys I played SFxT with during the game’s most active period don’t even play it anymore, but we’re all still very close and look out for each other in real life if we need to.

What gives you the right to define the fgc as such a thing as to only include tournament players?
If we’re to include the circumstances that were borne from the game that you’re playing, then I’ve encountered several of my now closest friends, on fighting games while not being a tournament player? Does that not make one part of the fgc?

Again, you are proving my point.

The people you have met through the game, ideally while playing each other, are part of the FGC experience and that is what myself and Clockwork are talking about. I don’t know how you can meet your closest friends through the fighting games you play and not understand where Clockwork is coming from. For him and many others, Mahvel was the catalyst of them meeting the people who made a profound impact on their lives and shaped them into the people they are today.

In one circle I have, we all met through Tekken 4/5/DR and we now talk regularly on FB chat over nonsense like sports with the occasional anime and fighting game mention. I’m actually meeting one friend I met through Tekken Nation when I go to Holland next moth to visit another friend I met through Street Fighter.

There is a distinct difference in respect between fellow gamers vs respect between competitors, especially ones who take their craft seriously. In social media you will VERY rarely see athletes publicly trash other athlete’s work ethic and hustle openly unless there was something else going on like he was doping or purposely tried to end someone’s career or did something clearly criminal and evil. It’s because however much they might talk trash on the field/court, there is a mutual respect between them and the journey they took to get to the level they’re at now. It’s the same way with those who compete in tournaments even if it’s just at the local level. One of my fiercest offline rivals here in Richmond is now one of my closest friends. I even sponsored him to come to EVO 2016 and hooked up his girlfriend with a job at my last position which gave her the credibility to get a management position at a larger more prestigious company.

All but one of my closest friends in my life, offline or online, I met through fighting games. Clockwork feels like Wiz throwing out the loaded question that he did on twitter today is a blatant slap in the face to those who actually play Mahvel, had all of this history with it and still play it and bond through it.

eh… The point of having a hobby is to find something you’re passionate about. There’s a reason why people still play ST; same with Vampire Saviour, CvS2 and 3S.

That’s one of the things that makes this scene great and one thing you seem to have missed out on in 7 years in SRK.

I tell you one thing, this “controversy” is good for streamers. People are tuning in to hear from their messiahs, get that money fam.

I only saw two people stream tonight. ChrisG and Cloud. The latter peaked at around 1k~ streaming online matchmaking, not even once bringing up what Mr. Wizard said. ChrisG had a two hour stream where he “ranted” 80% of the time about Battle for the Stones. He brought up Wizard’s tweet and agreed with the criticism of Marvel, but called Wizard a troll. He then followed by saying that him, Wong, FChamp and a plethora of other Marvel players feel lied to in regards to Infinite’s many shortcomings, even pointing out that many people were giving Capcom the benefit of the doubt. Finally, he concluded that Infinite will be put on the back burner because of the lack of support but more important, the attention that SF5 will be receiving.

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite’s total views fell down to 85 total viewers right after he cut the stream. Woohoo?

Well I do notice this forum isn’t as active as it should be especially for some of the character threads.

I blame Discord.

Are you talking about the “MvC Infinite: SRK Edition Discord” with the picture of Ultron/Sigma? It’s deader than dead. Is that the one you guys are using?

No matter what, discord is always bad.

All discords are fated to die, only forums are forever.

At the end of the day, as much as I enjoy this game, Capcom (and Marvel) dropped the ball in many areas. The gameplay is great, but everything else surrounding this game is a shit-storm. After watching Chris G’s stream, it sounds to me like they don’t really care about any longevity in Marvel. Sucks because the community always brought 100% for the scene. UMVC3 had everyone going hard just so it could make Evo 2017. The fact that a new Marvel was on the horizon was exciting, so giving UMVC3 the proper send-off seemed like the best thing to do.

It just sucks seeing all of the negativity surrounding this game. I wish they had a better approach than just thinking people would get it based on the fact that it was an MVC game. Well, whatever the case might be, I’ll still continue to play the game. If Capcom decides to continue supporting it, then that’s great. If not, I won’t be surprised. An AE styled update would do wonders down the line. It’s just a matter of Capcom believing the game is worth it in the end. They were fully committed to SFV. Same can’t be said here. It’ll be interesting to see what takes place in the next few months.

That’s why so many people play Guilty gear, right? And why the game where every pro player criticizes the gameplay is the most watched and played game in our current time?

The reason this game is played by most people is because ‘‘It’s Mahvel, baby!’’. Which is fine, but if any other company would dare to put out an objectively subpar product like this it would never get anywhere.

Anyway, according to ChrisG John D said ‘‘fuck that game’’ after handing him the 2nd place trophy. And apparently there was some bracket fixing going on in favor of Fchamp (I think).

The Fchamp thing I wouldn’t doubt for a second, he’s def been the golden boy with all the strings pulled for him multiple times already.

You know, the more I play the game now, the more I am convinced that Morrigan is really good. I love using her and she seems criminally underplayed.

Also this game is a lot more fun now that not every match is reality stone annoyance. I see space and soul the most but I am seeing people picking up time and power more often now.