MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Hey @“DevilJin 01” what’s your morrigan Bnb? Was in the lab with her for about 15 minutes last night. She seems kind of od and she’s fun to use.

Again, something new JUST came out last week. You gotta let that thing breathe for at least a month if not two.

Trying to set up a level 5 Frank combo off of C.Marvel’s cr.LK. I can’t ever seem to get enough hits before super to make it work without them flipping out during the super startup.

Frank’s inputs are also really annoying in Soul Storm. His qcb.KK hyper is a level 3, and his dd.P moves have long animations. On the plus side, he abuses the shit out of Soul Surge and has roll crossups.

Running Bucky/Chris on ranked and it’s a roller coaster ride. So extremely hard to people up outside of Bucky’s arm stance overhead, tag Chris low lk.

On the flip side I’ve been forced to take defense and patience very seriously.

I just do c.MK, s.HP, s.HK (one hit), flight activate, j.LP, j.HP, hold up and mash LP+HP x n then fireball super or press j.HK earlier to knock them to the ground and tag in partner.

My tag combo is usually c.MK, s.HP, s.HK (one hit) fly activate, j.LP, j.HP, hold up LP+HPx2, j.HK, (while still in air) air dash j.HP, land then j.HP, qcf+HK tag in partner.

Venom’s tag attack goes really far. Seems like the furthest among the current cast… by far. You can reality surge from half a screen away and tag into venom and you’ll still get your pressure.

Adapt refers to change, whether that be immediate change in the moment, or long term change in the system. If your shit doesn’t work anymore then you have to adapt to that change and accommodate new strategy.

there was around 10k 20k viewers if not more though…


The best part is multiple people are correcting him and he’s just like “oh well I only saw 5k when I was watching”

MrWiz just wants to stir the pot. I really hope he doesn’t adhere to this poll to determine if this game should be at Evo or not. That would be dumb as fuck.

The most alarming thing here is that Mr. Wizard, near the bottom of the tweet chain, says that Infinite’s inclusion is up in the air. I’m sure it will be included. In what scope is the better question. Main game on Sunday? Saturday? Hell, a one day game on Friday?

On the 19th of this month, Marvel will officially be 3 months old. I’m not liking where this game is headed, or not headed actually. Not even a single piece of news during the BftS tournament or Capcom Cup?

What about the news and content leading up to the BftS, or are we to dismiss that already?

Wouldn’t Capcom be the one to approach him to talk about pot bonus, pro tour and shit like that to guarantee the spot? If MVCI isn’t certain to be at EVO till now, maybe Capcom already moved on with supporting the game.

You can’t try to run games as a platform then fail to use the game as a platform. At that point it’s just incomplete.

Everyone dismisses it because that shit was leaked, which is the problem. Everyone is going off of their own timeline when the leaks came out. Capcom is going on the release timeline. Game was released a few months ago, DLC season 1 just finished. Now they work on Season 2. Capcom really doesn’t give 2 shits that we knew about it months ago. That’s why people complain, wrongfully IMO, because they assume Capcom is on the same release cycle as us. Nothing was a surprise so we just expected it. Keep in mind the DLC characters of Venom BW and WS were NOT announced until last month officially.

Well, I for one am I going to keep playing MvCi and get tournaments going regardless. MAHVEL has a home in NyC!

If you’re talking about the prospects of Season 1, information we knew about back in September, then does that really count? The release of Venom, Black Widow, and Winter Soldier was something that was already DUE for the game. Now that they’re out… what’s next? SF5 released Zeku the last week of October. We already know about Sakura and 5 other characters because of this past weekend for Season 3. Capcom did the right move. They used Capcom Cup’s platform to get the people hype about Season 3. They also did that with the 30th anniversary collection that’s releasing in May. The looming question that hangs is…what about MvC:I? Even with how horrible BftS’s event was handled, why not use it to maybe show something in regards to the future of MvCI?

Most importantly, and this is pretty important, when has Marvel EVER been game whose inclusion in EVO would ever be something to question over? Even as a Marvel fan, I’d be hard pressed to say immediately that Infinite absolutely deserves a spot at EVO and it’s limited lineup. And THAT right there, is the troubling part.

Does that really mean anything, though? Season 3 for SF5 was leaked and everyone is eating up what we saw at Capcom Cup. And even after the leak, Capcom actually listened to the fans and decided to show who we would be getting for Season 3. People aren’t asking that Capcom spells out every single detail for what they have lined up these next couple of months. People are asking that Capcom shows something so that fans can hold out hope for. Again, not asking for a full blown trailer like we saw for SF5. But something, maybe?

Evo 2017. The game was only included because it won a donation drive. Being Marvel alone didn’t guarantee its spot.