MVC4 petition...

Yeah I know. Petitions rarely do jack, but I will take any available shot, even if it’s a long shot to make this happen.

If you care about the Mahvel series, take 90 seconds to sign this!

I care, and if I made the game, here’s my roster:

MARVEL: Wolverine, Iron Man, Hulk, Deadpool, Captain America, Super-Skrull, Doctor Doom, Thor, Dormammu, X-23, Spider-Man, MODOK, Magneto, She-Hulk, Shuma-Gorath, Storm, Phoenix, Venom, Taskmaster, Sentinel, Hawkeye, Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Nova, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, Cyclops, Ant-Man (Hank), Captain Marvel (Carol), Carnage, Juggernaut, Iceman, Ms. Marvel (Kamala) (DLC), Punisher (DLC), and Daredevil (DLC)
CAPCOM: Ryu, Morrigan, Chris Redfield, Dante, Felicia, Trish, Chun-Li, Amaterasu, Viewtiful Joe, Tron Bonne, Albert Wesker, Nathan Spencer, Arthur, Zero, Jill Valentine, Crimson Viper, Haggar, Mega Man, Akuma, Hsien-Ko, Strider Hiryu, Firebrand, Nemesis, Vergil, Phoenix Wright, Frank West, Ken, Servbot, Gene, Leon Kennedy, Captain Commando, Guile, Nilin (DLC), Ryu (Breath of Fire) (DLC), and Batsu (DLC)

Anyone else you want to see added, please let me know.