Mvc3 storm. what happened?

It’s about time I go on an emo rant. I would honestly like to ask capcom a question. Only because I am trying to UNDERSTAND. WHAT DID CAPCOM DO TO STORM? Why did they take so much from her? Let’s look at some facts for a sec. It seems everything they took from her, they gave to magneto. Her and mag used to do the same damage. They took that away from her but gave mag a damage buff. Why? Storm used to have full screen supers. Lightening storm is no longer full screen, hail has a HUGE DEADSPOT. Mag’s shockwave goes FULLSCREEN! GRAVITY SQUEEZE GOES FULL SCREEN AND ORG’S. THAT’S UNFAIR IF STORM HAD FULLSCREEN SUPERS?? HER TYPHOONS DON’T GO FULLSCREEN ANYMORE UNLESS IT’S HEAVY. BUT…MAG’S EM DISRUPTOR GO FULLSCREEN. THE JAB ONE IS 7 FRAMES!!! THAT IS FASTER THAN A COUPLE CHARACTERS LIMBS. BUT STORM’S JAB TYPHOON CAN’T GO FULL SCREEN? AND HAS SLOWER STARTUP. CAPCOM, I JUST WANT TO UNDERSTAND WHY. PLEASE GIVE ME AN ANSWER. SHE ALSO DOESN’T HAVE BUTTONS THAT HIT BEHIND HER SO SHE GETS CROSSED UP EASILY. PLEASE JUST GIVE ME A LOGICAL EXPLANATION.

No one cares. :razzy:

Storm turned into Elena. That’s what.

If only you were one of the new guys. Then you wouldn’t know and just play Storm cuz she’s fun. LOL.

It’s because she’s black.


huge chip damage

This belongs in the storm sub forum or in a blog post.