MvC3 SFIV KOFXIII producers mention CvS3! We want CvS2HD Online Edition and Capcom-vs-SNK-3 please!

If they DO make this game, I’d rather see them pull more SNK characters from other franchises besides KoF. It’d be cool to have Lee and Jack from Art of Fighting, Andy (I was pretty surprised he wasn’t in CvS2 to be honest) and Duck from Fatal Fury, and even more Samurai Shodown characters.

Chang w/ morrigan outfit for alt. color would be cool.

I want it, signed :frowning:

Ono is actually pretty smart. Smart enough to revive the SF scene. Yes, he did make a crappy fighter, and yes, it’s very noob friendly, and yes, the only reason SF4 did well is cuz most of the hardcore community embraced it so that they could get more FGs made.

But if it wasn’t for Ono’s initiative, SF4 wouldn’t even exist, and the FG scene wouldn’t be as big as it is now. And consequently SFxT and TxSF wouldn’t be on the way (nor would talk of CvS).

But I agree, Ono should stay far away from the creative design of any future FG. LOL Just stick to marketing dude, no joke.

no one said ono is not smart. he did revive sf no one is denying that. all we are saying is nobody wants onofighter vs snk 3.

Do you guys already know of SNK’s share of the cross over series do you just pretend it doesn’t exit? SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It’s not hard to make a character out of a mythical creature. There’s still plenty they can use like harpies, banshees, dullahans, etc.

doesnt have to be snk…

“capcom vs anybody” that plays like cvs2

fuck it convince ed boon or whoever owns MK and make capcom vs MK lol

I still won’t hold that against him. It’s not like very fighter he produces from now on will have “training wheels” and won’t learn from past mistakes.

I understand and respect what you are saying, even though I don’t necessarily agree with what everything you stated.

Considering how this generation of video games is going, if CvS3 gets made, they (meaning anyone who Capcom assigns to the job) will try to make it “noob friendly” as well. Its a factor I accepted for awhile now since Capcom made DMC4 easier than DMC3.

All that aside, I still respect Ono for making fighting game relevant to the industry again. Seriously, I’m looking forward to fighting games overtaking FPS.

LOL at anyone even thinking about a new 2D game by Capcom. It will never happen.

And since CvS2 was already pretty mediocre, I can’t imagine what kind of garbage will current Capcom make.

[quote=“THEKINGOFHATEHD, post:118, topic:119037”]

Ono is single-handedly responsible for most of the changes that made SF4 “Accessible to the masses” and way more flashy a game - a.k.a. most of the stuff that old-school competitive SF players HATE about it.

I don’t know about you, but the fighting game genre looked to hit the end of the road before Street Fighter 4’s massive success. Granted, games where still being produced, but for the most part… mainstream gaming moved on and the dedicated could only do so much.
Part of Street Fighter 4’s massive success lay with Ono’s “accessibility” mantra. As much as some hate it, that mantra of his manage to reinvigorate a dying genre with fresh and new players. People that, honestly, would have never looked at the fighting game as there next purchase for a game. As much as I dislike Ono (mostly for being a massive troll), I can’t say that I can hold it against him for making Street Fighter 4 “accessible to the masses”… it did work.

I am not sure that it would kill the series or not. However, something that hardcore players are going to have to adjust to is simply put, be it Ono or Niitsuma or anyone else, the game will have to be accessible to the average player at some form. It’s the big trend in fighters at the moment to keep depth to the point where it’s not drive potential players out the door with it’s complexity.
And to be honest, as much as the hardcore doesn’t like that sort of thing… that is where the money lay. Some guy (or gal) that wants to put fist into face without having to remember a large assortment of commands. Accessibility with some manner of depth can and has attracted that kind of gamer… which isn’t a bad thing. CvS 3 being made to be unforgiving however simple ignores that fact… that at the end of the day the grand fight of Ryu versus Kyo means very little, when it comes to making a profit.

F. Wily, I think Sf4’s “massive” success was from tons of sf fans from back in the day, still jonesin’ for their next hit after alpha 3 and cvs2, who were all too willing to throw money at anything with sf in the title, and the majority of THAT group who were so desperate that they just didn’t care, even if sf4 left them with a bad taste in their mouths. You notice the tourney winners not talking shit about sf4 or dropping it, and calling it crap. I think it was a case of “So what if it has WAY too much leniency, it’s SF, I’ll play it until I learn to love it!” Noob-friendliness had nothing to do with it. Every new game, people who are interested in it are gonna play, and learn to get better. All that was needed in this case was to make the public aware of it. I never saw a noob say “WOW, it was so easy to get in there and do some damage, and I’ve never played a fighting game before!/Those other games that came out earlier are too hard, sf4 is perfect for me!”

Do want.

No, the reason [insert particular FG fan base] hates [insert fighting game title] is that fighting game fans are a-holes that hate everything.


No one here like anything.

Don’t blame Ono for that.

Right. You don’t have to practice to be good in SF4. That’s why tourney results are always so random. That’s why you never see the same names winning multiple tournaments in SF4, because random scrubs always show up pounding buttons and getting into the top 8. It’s so noob friendly, that noobs often win.

I’m being sarcastic.

Stop overstating the amount of hate that SF4 gets. Just because you may not like it and all your close buddies with the exact same taste as you don’t like it doesn’t make those sentiments universal.

SF4 isn’t popular because it’s easy. They didn’t market the game with “Easy!” Seriously though new players arent like “Oh I can do DP’s easier now? Awesome!” They didn’t advertise input shortcuts and such. So I don’t really understand Ono’s preaching of accesibility.

Back to the topic.

CVS2 should undoubtedly be re-released and I’m sure it’s something they’ve already considered, and considering SF4 they should already have a pretty decent fanbase to constitute another Vs. game. KoF XIV isn’t happening, give SNK players something to look forward to as well. When I first saw CvS2, I was like “wtf is SNK? Sounds cool!” and I begged my folks to get it. So I don’t think that having a mostly unknown(to the average gamer) company along with capcom will inhibit the games success at all.

Just some thoughts. Fuck roll cancels.

Updated first post with more links of Ryota Niitsuma (MvC3’s producer) mentioning CvS3 and even Marvel vs SNK vs Capcom.

Added a poll also, but kinda botched it as the results are hidden and I can’t edit the poll now, so maybe a moderator can help fix or reset.

Actually for the most part, every reason I see people hating on SF is for the reasons he stated. I mean it’s true that some players will just hate on a game because its new but SF4 has legitimate issues…but then again most everything in life does I guess.

I often dont like it when people say you dont need skill to achieve the higher ranks in SF4, but by comparison to other games it is quite easy to become a “top player” IMO. Like if I were to break down why SF4 gets hate I think it would be like the following reasons:

  1. The hyper muscular and cartoonish art design.

  2. The reversal windows which make mashing a viable tactic and which also greatly nulifies the potency of mix-ups,cross-ups,jump-ins,meaties,tick throws and block strings.

  3. The extreme measures of the damage scalling and its effects on the game.

  4. A slow pace which lends a sluggish movement and a stiff feel for the characters.

  5. The sub-systems which should work in theory but in application.

this wont happen and if it does it wont be sprites. so…pass

Kim vs Juri makes too much sense, how could this not happen at some point down the line?