MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

You’re underrating Dante/Trish a lot, Mate.

I played Trish/Dante/X23 for about a month before I found RR/IM. Back through Vanilla and early Ultimate, we had one of our main players here playing Trish/Dante/Wesker so I understand the team and I think it’s a solid team. Against teams with better hori assists LV is hard to use and it’s not as useful as the beam assists for dante’s mixup game and it doesn’t give him any real extensions in ultimate. Peekaboo is better, but then you’re playing without any screen coverage and that’s hard for X23 if you have to play her out in from at any point.

There’s the issue where it’s better in most MUs to play Trish point, but then you don’t have a great way to use her TAC infinite unless you’re going for a double TAC and if that get’s broken your playing with a wonky team order.

Back in the days of Trish/Dante/Wesker, Dark Wesker still existed and was still that gdlk insurance for the rest of the team. X23 isn’t reliable when it comes to that.

IMO if you’re playing X23 without strong neutral/combo assists you pretty much need to be playing for the double dirt nap and limiting risks elsewhere.

You need to have an alpha counter that can escape RH setup and there’s lots of them that seem like they shouldn’t be able to but can (I was running with shopping cart at the time and that consistently beat out and HBD’d against Dante+Wesker.) People hard tagging into it can kill your damage scaling and X23’s OTG isn’t as foolproof as Wesker’s when it comes to unblockable setups. I haven’t seen a setup that lets you grapple reset and protect against hard tags using X23 like you can with Wesker.

The team is a double dirt nap team, it gives Trish full combos and lets her play her lame game well, you have lots of tools for near inescapable resets, but if you’re going through all those risks you may as well just focus on taking one risk (the TAC) that gets you a double dirt nap and wins you the match instead of 5 or 6 resets.

And especially with beams picking up after dirt naps, I think Trish has been outclassed by infinitely more useful assists which means stronger neutral and more chances to get your 1 TAC and win the match.

yup yup that’s the thing about Trish her assist don’t stack well with other options in the game, especially considering X23s case. Love her infinites though!

Isn’t this new tech effectively the same as Dash xx st. L post Dirtnap? Hard to time but worth the damage bump? I mean, don’t get me wrong; I’m just as excited as the next guy since I play Iron Man (hori assist has always been worth the loss of guaranteed Dirtnaps or Double Dirtnaps, imo).

No, it’s really not hard at all. I’m maybe 75%+ success rate in the lab after just finding it. The 2 lab videos I made were maybe 15~20 minutes after finding the tech and I was already pretty consistent at that point and I didn’t cut out any failures or anything in those.

I think I’m 50% out of the 6 or so matches I tried using with it in a real match Tuesday. It’s also one of those cases where you might be able to tell if the assist call was too early one you’re familiar with it and pop xf on reaction to not drop the combo. In the cases where you do drop it it’s just like a normal otg + beam with no super so you’re at least not risking anything terrible of it fails.

I don’t know how much of that is from me playing hitbox since it gives me tighter precision on directionals and assist call timings. I would call it 100% match practical though. The only limiting factor is it fits seem spacing dependant so I haven’t been able to do it anywhere but in the corner, but you should almost always be there after a tac infinite anyways.

As a disclaimer, I also think the dash l tech is really easy, but I only go for it on situations where I know it’s nearly guaranteed and will usually just use the option from grounded corner dirt naps.

Are Zero and Laura any good together? In my head the only thing I can really see is maybe the crazy amount of meter he builds, but after that I’m not sure. I’d appreciate any input.

I wish I found this first, so I could slap you with it when I was suggesting X-23/Ironman/Dante lol. Very well done Merkyl, you’ve done it again.

Zero working with X-23…I wonder if you could activate Sougenmu from Rage Trigger and go directly into Lightning Loops. And speaking of Trish/Dante/X-23 or Dante/Trish/X-23, like others have said, the problem’s the lack of potent assists to cover Trish and Dante’s offence and to counter other people’s assists. I also dunno how viable Dante’s TAC infinite is, I’ve not been playing this game actively (and most likely never will return to it.) A shame, because Dante and Trish go together pretty well (high damage/potential unblockables with Round Harvest follow ups, TAC infinites and whatnot.)

I know that Zero in Sougenmu can pick up after a dirt nap with his DP assist, so that’s something.

I found some videos of people messing around with Zero + RB and Dante + RB (RB seems like a great combo extender assists for dante, if nothing else.)

If they were juggling high enough on RT you could probably DHC into LLs, seems like it would probably be tight though.

In general, the synergy there doesn’t seem absolutely amazing, but Zero does have the double TAC tech and great corner carry so you would be that much more likely to get your infinite.

If Zero is strong enough in neutral to have just RB (and I think he might be able to since his zone control is already pretty ridiculous), then Zero(DP)/X23(DP/LowTG)/IM(RB) would probably be a pretty strong team. (That order on the likely assumption that Zero can TAC past CS or OTG.) Having 2 alpha counters on the same team would be pretty nice. It would also help your meter usage since you wouldn’t have to spend 2 meters to get people out safely each time and both cases would lead to pretty solid damage. I imagine start of match would be pretty stupid with that since all you have to do is release buster + call RB and it would probably convert from the full range of RB and on block you might still be able to cancel into sougenmu and go for an unblockable into corner carry and TAC fake (which gives you double dirt nap if you TAC before sougenmu wears off.)

So is repulsor blast really necessary? If I did want to use zero and laura together, who would fit on the back?

I just really like x23. I always have, and watching you and jayto kind of confirmed it haha

Depends what you’re playing for. If you just want to do the meep thing and have X23 for the XF2 runback, you can have Dante with JS no problem (Search for Meep’s old matches if you want to see some gameplay for that.) If you want to go for the double dirt nap/1 touch win gameplan, you need a reliable infinite with a dirt nap guarantee so RB is pretty much your only other easy choice.

I’m sure you could run pretty much whatever you want and just have zero pick up the slack.

Double post for sleeping threads.

Messing around with super-magic-theory-funtime team Dante(JS)/X23(LowTG/CS)/IM(RB) (or X23 3rd with CS if I can’t find a reliable way to TAC past her.)

Actually showing a bit of promise. Both of those assists pick up after a dirt nap so you have a true double dirt nap team in either order, RB is actually looking pretty phenomenal for Dante as far as combo extension/incoming goes (works as damage or meter gain extensions anywhere on the screen.) X23 gets a solid extender assist and gets full damage throw combos and good damage normal combos.

Getting to play Dante point without worrying about him dying and losing your guarantee is a nice bonus and IM+JS do well as a zoning/keepaway pairing.

Doubt anyone else here has messed around with Dante + RB but would love to have an extra pair of eyes if anyone has actually spent some time with Dante. Mine’s still pretty ass atm so it takes me forever to test ideas in the lab.

Is there any easy(ish) way for x-23 to convert off of Akuma tatsu? I wasn’t around for vanilla, so I know almost nothing about that assist, but just having played with it for a while in training mode today, it seems like her normals all hit too low for her to really get anything before they air tech; she can get like standing S, a mirage feignt H j. MH 236L, which would be really hard to time right in a match, or crescent scythe, which gets you almost nothing since you’re already ending your combo.

I can take a look for you, I’m pretty sure you’re just looking to dash behind it and convert into jump loops.

Yeah, like Merkyl said, you can just dash up as many times as needed and hit them with st.M/st.H into a full combo. I think the best combo you’ll get from it is: H>MFC,Hxx241+H>j.MH>623+Lxx236+L, M(1hit)HS, then an ender afterwards (add extensions if you want). It’s quite easy go into a full combo from Mirage Feint M cross-ups too.

Also, since it’s now a fully viable double dirt nap option, I’m running X23(OTG/CS)/Doom(beam)/Dante(JS) (with the option to start dante on certain matchups.) So wierd playing with solid neutral assists again but even being terrible at both doom and dante I still managed to win something like 1/4th of the matches (this is dropping a ton of doom/dante combos and not have TAC infinites for doom yet). Lowish damage/extension means you’re having to reset once to kill, but you still get the option to XF dirt nap 2nd or TAC>Win if they have a problem anchor and having to play without broken assists for so long has really made it easy get 2 or 3 mixups + assist before I’m too far out to pressure.

The team still manages HDBs > Dirt Nap situations pretty well (one of the things I was worried about) since the doom beam bounce seems pretty lenient on the levels of hitstun you can manage without true extenders. So combo > OTG > XF > s.S + Doom > sj.HxxTA L > s.S sj.HxxCS HxxTA L > OTG link CS HxxTA L (they’ll tech here if not dead but you get a pretty guaranteed CS H for chip followup if you need it or can opt to go straight for super if you have 4 bars.) I assume you can use JS to tack on a bit of extra damage at the end but I’m not sure if it’s anything worthwhile.

Plasma Beam post dirt nap pickup is super reliable. Everyone should go and check it out if you haven’t already. Only dropped maybe 1 time in the full set last night and that was probably a minimum of 20~30 dirt naps where it was available.

Dante’s such an odd character compared to the people I’ve played though…Gonna take me some time to figure out how to run his neutral.

Anyone have any raw tag combos? Looking to tag out not in

only reliable one i know about is after her command grab. Haven’t looked into other ones since I haven’t played doom in a while, but you might be able to do one after a super low corner S if you can manage to hit her staircase relaunch instead of the dH. It’s pretty specific since you really can’t hit it without being in/near the corner and catching them on the ground.

I was JUST about to say how in the hell are your inputs so clean but then I remembered you play on a Hitbox…good stuff, man.

I’m so happy you settled on a strong team, Merk.

I always play to the tech. Somehow, we managed to miss the beam pickup before now (always the easy things that get missed >.>). My IM/RR team was filling the gaps that I needed based on the tech I knew at the time.

That said…god damn I suck with these characters…