MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

That’s the beautiful thing tho. You either kill idiots that won’t stop mashing out dumb crap or you make them worry about pressuring you. Either of those is a win in my book.

Also, something to troll vergils that helm breaker on incoming against X23. You can use the invincibility on dirt nap’s startup to dodge and punish, plus you’ll get the solo relaunch since they’re in the corner and grounded.

Thinking of expanding on X-23’s team possibilities as well. I’ve been trying for ages to get Dante to work with her in some way, shape or form, but the biggest problem with having Dante is that one needs to have a good dante-specific assist to get him to work at all. It’s not even Jam Session i’m too crazy about for x-23 but more Dante’s meter build options and plethora of near inescapable unblockable resets that Ankle Slice gives that should net you 3 meters off any touch easily for Dirt nap follow ups.

It’s basically a constant problem of X-23’s best assist characters needing another really good assist to offset x-23’s drain on team resources. I’ve been thinking of going Dante/X-23/Sentinel (any random order) but it’s hard coming up with optimal combo’s with her, though the reset and meter building potential with both assists is through the roof. X-23/Dorm/Sentinel has amazing damage potential as well as solid neutral games all round except for having Sentinel backed by Dorm.

Might be willing to give IM a go. Going to try and explore other avenues as well. X-23/IM (RB)/Dante (WS/JS), X-23/IM(RB)/Ammy, maybe even fold and go X-23/Dorm/Missiles. X-23/IM/RR sounds strangely alluring as well.

All her teams have solid options and plenty of tricks, but all seem to require working hard to cover some glaring flaw. Something that straight up top tier teams don;t have.

p.s. X-23/Dorm/Dante (JS) y u no work :(. Getting Dorm started with JS isn’t as easy as one would expect.

Yeah, this is the problem with X-23 on point. X-23 absolutely depends on specific assists, but the chars she pairs up well with also need specific assists. It’s a major pain.

I feel like just saying “screw it” and just slamming her in 2nd, but I know everyone will be gunning for X-23 and put her through incoming mix-ups after a snap-back/kill, and she’s not the best at escaping incoming mix-ups.

I honestly feel like going back to my old team of X-23/Trish/Dante. TAC infinites with Trish from anywhere on the screen, safe DHCs which can lead to unblockables/mix-ups(Round Harvest),TODing capability because of Round Harvest follow-ups, and both Dante and Trish are versatile. Problem is assist capability for X-23. Weasel Shot’s alright as a get in assist, but can’t contend with the better assists backed up with top chars on the front. Weasel Shot does nothing to stop Hidden Missiles either, but I’ve gotten slightly better at maneuvering around the assist at least. None of Trish’s assists are particularly amazing for X-23 (though Peekaboo’s can be used as a ghetto lockdown for incoming chars I guess) and Trish needs assists for herself to reach high levels of damage. Or I could use Trish/X-23/Dante.

My life’d be a lot easier if I wasn’t so stubborn on the chars I like to pick. I’d have just slapped some random X-23 team together with Doom on it and called it a day, but I can’t stand to listen to Doom for more than a few mins lol.

EDIT: Actually, forget it, X-23/Dante/Trish isn’t worth it.

There’s a local guy here that plays Dorm with JS and he seems to do fine with using it for OTGs. His pressure is mostly tridash fishhooks going for crossups and JS calls and I think you can do jump loop conversions off of JS hits. Seems like you would be able to set a pretty solid zoning wall with that and I know there’s decent DHC Synergy there.

When I was looking at X23/Dorm/Doom, IIRC, there wasn’t a great way to TAC through to Doom because of assist timings which I felt was a glaring issue for that team. (or at least a huge loss of potential, but it’s not awful playing X23/Doom/Dorm)

If you’re ok with playing Sent, then the IM/Drones pairing is pretty fleshed out at this point. I feel like having RB and Dante is a bit repetitive (especially JS, but I know IM has at least an extender using that.) From what it looks like to me, making IM a solid character (and not faux magneto) is about having that assist that lets him confirm off of RB hits/UB/or both but Joker and Alucard def. make drones look viable and have 50% of the IM players fooled into thinking that’s the only way he’s viable.

Real talk, get on X23/IM/RR. I need someone to bounce tech off and this team is broken as fuck.

I like the feel of Ironman, though I’m sure that’ll change once I start using him in matches lol.

How much can you get off a stray hit Log conversion btw? Actually, lemme check this out.

EDIT: Max damage is 1.032mil, including Repulsor Blast and a DHC into Proton Cannon.

Trish’s infinites are the only ones I can currently pull off in a casual setting. I toyed around with X23/Trish/Rocket for kicks, if nothing else.

Honestly, I’m really happy with the team I have right now, probably more than I have ever been with this game. Dorm gives Laura perfect DHCs, with enough time to charge spells and switch back in on most characters. The next touch will net close to 1.3 mil baring meter availability, and you get a shitload of free meter off 1D2C. RB gives both characters a relaunch and sets up their assets particularly well (Laura for silent kills and Dorm for free spell charges). Laura at point gets ToDs like crazy, no reason I shouldn’t be hitting 1 mil dmg often with options to reset for dirt nap build (once I get Iron Man’s TAC stuff down, resets are probably out the window making every touch count). If Drones/HM are becoming a problem there’s always Unibeam for backup to keep them off the screen.

Anchor Man is a problem, especially if he gets snapped in. I’d rather Dorm die first so that Laura gets XF2 loops/DN incoming character (backed with RB support), that’s why I like having AS available so that Dorm can abuse the hitboxes from RB and set down flame carpets while still maintaining a relaunching option in AS. Getting X23 in for free is too appealing to pass up though, so once I learn the TAC stuff I’ll probably be switching to CS. I’ve made Iron Man to be a lousy anchor in the past, but he has toys to work with which is more than I can ask for. Wish I seen that sooner, though.

One of the things that kept bothering me is the wonky hitboxes in this game, and X23’s lack of there of. RB fixes this issue nicely, didn’t even know it soaks up Aim Master arrows too.

I want to use Trish, but the assist options just aren’t worth it really, plus the Round Harvest+Dante>Acid Rain Loop follow ups are inconsistent against some chars ( like Taskmaster, and he’s a char that needs to die immediately upon contact, too annoying a MU to deal with.)

IMO, any assist that X-23 can convert off with minimum damage scaling’s very good for her, especially when you have Ironman with Repulsor. Something as simple as a Mirage Feint M+assist cross-up turns into damage. Considering this is X-23 we’re talking about, it’s pretty good lol. For high health chars, you’ve got TAC infinites.

And yeah, I hate the hitboxes in this game as well, this is one of the biggest things I despise about UMVC3. Along with all the other horrendously stupid shit this game has, it’s the icing on the (shit)cake. That’s why I feel it’s important to have a get-in assist that’s easy to convert from and does minimum damage scaling, so X-23 can at least make her stray hits from assist connections more scary.

Ephidel, do you have a reliable setup to TAC through to IM with X23/Dorm/IM? I didn’t think it was possible to do that (thinking about it now, you can probablye do a wonky ground combo to get dorm out of the way.)

Well in the corners it’s kinda hard, because the dash back AS+dorm assist tightens things for me and I’d rather just end the combo with WXP. I can still do it off the low-mid hitstun stuff anywhere else though, but it still complicates things because I’d rather get started in corners for more practical situations.

Sorry for the DP, but done with another tourney. Started off poor again, however, things started to come around and I got one on the guy who won the round robin. He only lost to me today, but I failed to win the set.

Right now I’m tweaking anchors, as much as I like Iron Man, RB, and the infinite I’m not getting many opportunities to pull it off (infinite). I know a lot of it has to do with Dorm at second, but it’s just natural that I always have Dorm behind X23 always now. I tried X23/Dorm/Strange and it’s nice, but I think Dante does a much better job protecting Strange than X23 or Dorm.

Tried X23/Dorm/RR and as much as I loathe RR I got the best results with him in the lineup today. The locals here think he’s gimmicky, but that fucking log puts in so much work for her and easy confirms is a sweet thing.

Yeah, IM is dead weight without the right assist.

I wasn’t crazy about Dorm+Log in the neutral since I like playing more of a rushdown Dorm but, otherwise, it works for combo extension and whatnot.

so what’s the plan with dorm+log ? I know call log + dark hole gets a full combo on hit but that’s all I’ve got. X23/dorm/RR looks like a great team for x23

I always felt the synergy was a little meh since Dorm already makes really good use of his wall bounce but you can use log in the corner to get into Flare Juggles without charges, you can otg with log > delayed flame carpet, once you learn the timing you can do stuff like Log + Dark Matter > teleport (or teleport > teleport) for some really annoying to block crossup stuff, but it’s hard to actually hit confirm on the dark matter when it hits.

Log is decent for zoning stuff since you can put them in top corner of the far side of the screen on random zoning hits by doing something like pillar > log > dark matter > pillar and then take the time to get a charge or 2. Log does a good job of keeping bad zoning a little safer, too.

For the most part though, I don’t think there are realistic uses for Log in Dorm’s neutral. Everything log can do, Dark Matter pretty much already does. The trade-off is that Log is insane for X23. You get at least as much as Wesker OTG would give you if not more, though.

I think it really boils down to what type of Dorm-style you play. Rushdown Dorm’s would net a lot more out of something like EMD, plus Magneto is a good anchor. I tried EMD with Laura, but I felt that it didn’t put the opponent into enough blockstun for her left/right game. Both log and dark matter have similar properties, but there’s still some notable differences. Dark matter has character specific crouches who can potentially dodge it entirely while log doesn’t has this issue. It only covers a hori axis vs. logs superior coverage of allowing Dorm to choose his places on the screen better. You always have to cancel Dark Matter because of its 46 frame delay, but with log you can always follow it up if you’re good with tri-dashes.

But like I said, my playstyle with Dorm is all about creating space for his comet spam and 3DC0. I think RB provides the better neutral tools to keep Dorm safe, but I hated having to fish for hits by X23. Endgame X23/IM/RR is better for her by practical infinite setup and cheap dirt naps, but there’s some appeal to get X23/Dorm/RR to work I think.

Still not gonna drop Tony though, he’s fun :7)

If you like hardcore spacing, try running IM+Log for a bit, it’s a really strong spacing combo and almost everything converts into full combos. (Plus it makes Tony not garbage.)

I have been watching some X-23(ankle slice) videos today and I am considering using her with my Trish(low voltage)/Nova(centurian rush)/Vergil(rapid slash) team. I am thinking about swapping out Vergil and putting X23 as anchor. Here is what I am thinking:

-With Trish on point I have access to high/low unblockable setups with nova and x23 assists when Trish is in rushdown mode. Also, using an OTG assist with Trish can get her a 750k combo easy with Nova Force DHC. Another plus is on knockdown I can use Round Harvest and hard tag Nova or X23 and get a free unblockable setup. Doing the same Round Harvest setup can get X23 a free lvl 3 if I have the meter.

What do you guys think?

Personally, I would put X23 2nd since she’s much stronger with at least some kind of assist backing her up and pretty much everything she can do in XF3, she can do in XF2 (and XF3 nova’s better than XF2 Nova + AS imo). I would probably rely on nova more for the round harvest unblockable setups since you can javelin people down sj height for when they hard tag out of the setup. If you don’t think you’ll kill with Trish > X23 DHC or dont want to go for round harvest setups, I would just go for a TAC attempt after the X23 extender so you can get to Nova > infinite or swag TAC > grav pulse incoming > tag to Trish for more zoning or X23 for dirt nap (if you’re at 5 meters I think low voltage has enough hitstun to relaunch after dirt nap, extend with nova, xf to kill and get the extra meter you need for another dirt nap.) If that gets broken, you’re back full screen for more zoning anyways.

With Trish and cent. rush, is it possible to do something like hard knockdown > ground trap + nova > tk air low voltage to otg and get the ground bounce?

I wasnt aware that tk low voltage was an OTG. I know that tk Max Voltage hyper can OTG, but that is all that she has i think. Thank you for your suggestions for the team order, I will be trying all of this out when I get home tonight.

It might not be, I was thinking since the super was, the special was too. Would have been cool…

Recently discovered that with Doctor Strange behind her X-23 can convert air throws into 980k meter neutral damage via DHCing to a whiffed Seven Rings and then going into a Palm loop. The execution is tricky midscreen but it’s definitely consistent and viable. Scary stuff, but I’ve been wondering if my team is too susceptible to bad matchups. I feel completely screwed going up against Dormammu teams and Vergil anchors.