MvC3: Dead Like Me: The Hsien-Ko Team Disscussion thread

Her only move that needs to be safe is swing, which it is. Item L is only -6 and has enough range to overcome that. All she truly needs is better air confims, damage, and mobility. She already has one of the most ridiculous st.Ls in the game in terms of range and priority. Only move that NEEDS frame changes is her command throw, and that’s only her recovery so she can get legit combos after it. MAYBE change the duration of her gongs. (more like Chun’s fireball as a change in distance vs speed with identical active frames between versions?)

The only things I wanna see for hsien-ko is
Faster movement
Senpu-bu cancel
Change the why her item toss works or at least make it so we know whats next just like Plat in Blazblue
C.H otg like Wolv’s slide
maybe abit more damage?
I don’t want her to be godlike or S tier I was trying to make her a good character I doubt even with all of these changes people won’t pick her besides the ones how already do.

It may be asking for much, but I thought it would be interesting if the items she threw out had different effects kinda like Teddie from P4A. She even has a barrel which could roll across like Teddie’s.

If not that, an indicator of which item would be nice I guess, but I guess it’s only useful to know when you have a bomb or stun item next. Other than that, I guess the usual changes that everyone else is asking for. :confused:

Both are entirely reasonable requests. Maybe the effects shouldn’t be as extreme but the item system should have more impact than a pseudo-RNG.

So uh…

Heres my concept shell of Hsien-ko/Dante.

I like the raw tag extension off Chireitou, shame that duo is the master of low damage though. :frowning:

Hey, you used the P1 Senpuu Bu glitch!

Okay Hsien-Bros, I have a question! I’ve been playing around with a variety of point/Hsien/assist combinations and I’ve come down to 12 ideas. This is where I need a bit more input from a variety of players on creating the best possible team for her:
-Wesker/Hsien/Sent, Iron Man, or Strider (Played around A LOT with Wesker/Hsien lol)
-Ammy/Hsien/Doom (Missiles)
-Akuma/Hsien/Sentinel or Strange
-Nova/Hsien/Sentinel or Strange
-Magneto/Hsien/Doom, Sentinel, or Strange
I know that’s a lot of options, but I feel that Hsien-Ko’s best team is buried somewhere in here. Any suggestions or ideas?

^ This is just me, but from the list you have, I would go with one of the Nova teams or Magneto teams. At least with Magneto, I can see her assist useful for adding to Magneto’s pressure and it could probably work as a combo extender for Hyper Grav loops. If needed, you could use Magneto’s Shock Wave as a ‘get off me’ and DHC to get Gold Armor and tag Magneto or Doom in again.

I myself still plan to figure out something with Taskmaster on point since that was what I did in Vanilla. I’s just a matter of finding the best anchor that I’ll be comfortable with.

That’s interesting. I personally feel that Hsien is best behind a point that is absolutely crazy at the start of the round and can quickly build the meter in one combo to safely finish a combo with a DHC into Gold Armor. Furthermore, the point needs to put out high damage and have an assist that Hsien-Ko can make use of.
-Wesker does good damage and is REALLY good at abusing Gold Armor assist AND gives Hsien an OTG
-Wolverine has his start of the round plan that converts into meter for Hsien, but doesn’t abuse her assist as well and doesn’t provide a decent one
-Ammy is odd in that her meter build (in my hands, anyway) is only worth putting Hsien behind her if she has Missiles. Damage is an issue, though.
-Akuma is VERY effective. He get a lot of mileage out of the priority in her assist, and even Hsien can appreciate Tatsu
-Nova seems like a very good partner for Hsien (Shield assist from Nova, perhaps?), but I HATE him. Him, Spencer, Vergil, Ryu, and Cap piss me off.
-Magneto is infallible as always, but I feel that he doesn’t really use Hsien too well. Definitely good, but that’s mostly just due to him being Magneto.

Good luck with Task. Tell us if you find any synergy!

I guess it’s just a matter of preference. I like Task/Hsien-Ko just cause HK can extend his combos to get him a Sharp Sting. Plus, you can DHC from an air throw to Hyper with either the Spiked Balls or Swords Hyper. At least with Chireitou you can raw tag in Taskmaster and get a Sharp Sting again.

You can safely DHC from Arrows Hyper to Rimoukan if needed and raw tag then as well. Fun stuff.

Does Miss Hsien have a way to raw tag to Doctor Doom to fix her damage output? If she does, I am officially going to main Ammy/Hsien/Doom to hell and back. This team is just so fun. (NOTE: Have not tested in actual match due to internet problems, results may vary. Please use responsibly.)

^ I myself can’t think of one that would be all that amazing. I doubt Doom can get much after a raw tag from Chireitou even if he’s able to bunny hop over in time. Only sort of way I’ve seen Doom get anything with Hsien-ko is after a DHC from Tenrai Ha to Photon Array after like a command grab. Enough time to OTG with Doom and get a couple air series reps I think. :confused:

I know Doom can add to Hsien-ko’s damage a little with Hidden Missiles in her air series though. :confused:

I thought I was the only person who played this team. There’s some really nice tech here I’m going to steal.

Also, dropping this off since I was playing around with it.

I believe she does, Ill test it when I have time.

Wah that reset was genius~ How come Ive never done that

Oh yeah I never posted it, but this video had a second :

Hmmm if Doom could raw tag and convert off ground throw or Houten Geki M/H (without the damage scaling off the hits being a factor), that would be great. I’m not holding out much hope for the latter though since she has a lot of recovery on it.

I always thought Missles/SenpuBu/Bolts was her best team.

I’m still carrying the torch for Tron/Hsien-Ko/Captain America
I check this forum from time to time but never any posts -_-