MVC2: Using Cable by FluffyXXL (repost)

Actually, that doesn’t really matter. Guardcancel requires more than one blocked hit, and Inferno is only one hit on the ground, so if Inferno XX HOD is done to a standing Cable and he doesn’t move between Inferno XX HOD*, then it will work.

*- That’s the proviso. Even without guardcancel, Cable can still AHVB in between Inferno XX HOD anyway. So it doesn’t affect it.

Can someone tell me if this combo works:, lp, mp, sj.lp,,,, sj.hp, their character forced into corner, (OTG), AHVB. After the last I seem to be forced to far up to connect the AHVB. Am I doing it too slow or do I need to press down and mash or does it just not work? Also, instead of AHVB, sometimes I just lp, mp, but I can’t follow it up. Is this also imposible? Should I just be using df.fp?

The first combo does not work. The second combo you listed is a laucher. Explain a little more.

what I meant was:, lp, mp, sj.lp,,,, sj.hp, they forced into corner, (OTG), lp, mp, sj…
can any move connect after the sj or do they go too high?
Also, is Cable superjumping out of lp, mp? I’m not sure if you just press up after you lp, mp, if that is considered just a normal jump.
Anyways, if that combo doesn’t work should I just stick to:, lp, mp, sj.lp,,,, sj.fp, blah blah corner,, df.hp, sj…?

I’m not to sure about these. Go to and check the team seattle combo vid. They do some shit with cable that whack, maybe that’ll help you a bit. For combo wise, these could be fun. But if you’re playing to win, if you land the, just follow up with a lk,mk, xx ahvb. That’s all you need to start playing cable at a competition level. Any air combo with cable is just 1234 hk or hp when you catch them jumping toward you in the air. Anytime else, if there’s an opening, just do the first combo and cancel in ahvb.

I have a few Cable questions that I hope someone will answer.

  1. What are some ways to combo into AHVB other than,, xx AHVB. For instance, I saw a vid where someone did,, and somewhere they called CapCom AAA which OTGed the oppenent and they wer able to combo into AHVB. so are there any other ways to combo into it with or w/o various other assits. And can that CapCom trick be done with cammy or ken AAA?

  2. Also, what are some good traps/lockdown with Cable on point or as an assist? Traps with any character, not just top teirs, are what I’m hoping for, but traps involving top teirs would also be appreciated.

Thanks to anyone who replies, and I hope someone does before this thread gets buried again.

It’s a waste of a meter but if you want to be flashy you could do, Time Flip, the future Cable will hit them on the ground (the Time Flip itself won’t work but it knocks them off of the ground just a bit) and right after the Time Flip OTG’s them, AHVB.

It’s just for looks though, I personally wouldn’t waste a meter when using Cable.

i was wondering if it was worth it to do tiger knee grenades with cable???

If you can… find out where the Evo 2002 vid is… I think Xececutioner was playing Cable/Cyc and locked down a Sentinel pretty good in that vid.

(BTW… I don’t really know if Xececutioner was playing Sent or Cable/Cyc)

yep, that was what i was initially referring to, it looks pretty effective…against sentinel that is

Cable does have a slight bit of flash, but not as sophisticated as Magneto or Storm combos. If you really want to show flash, then learn to tiger knee cancel S.Fierce. It is possible, but it’s not worth the effort of missing an opportunity. Most people will watch it and think it’s no big deal, but it’s one of those things that only has like, 1 frame to cancel. I know it has something to do with the fact that you can repeat S.Fierce, and the window for inputting another S.Fierce and the window to cancel a SJ motion are almost the same, so it’s very difficult to do. The only other flashy thing I can think of with Cable is in the corner, you can combo S.Fierce XX Timeflip, grenade, C.FierceXX Timeflip, etc…

If you’re just looking to figure out what will combo into AHVB, pretty much anything will. I remember some socal player (I think it was Genghis) saying something to the effect of “you can combo AHVB off of my fart assist” or something like that. I’m not sure, it was a while ago before the boards got erased.

There are a lot of traps for Cable/XXX, so I’m really not going to list them all. The main ones are Cable/Sentinel variants, that use either Sent-A or Sent-G.

Instead, I’ll talk about Cable as an assist helping a trap.

The two assists that would allow you to trap easiest are his alpha and gamma assists. Alpha assist is the viper beam and Gamma assist is the grenade.

Everybody knows the old skool Spiral/Cable-A trap from a long time ago, so there really isn’t a need to mention it here. You can use this assist with rushdown to make your opponent block just like any other beam assist type.

Cable-G is something i’ve rarely seen anyone use. I used to do a pseudo-trap with Megaman/Cable-G/Cyke-B. Cable-G worked really well with Megaman’s general “throw things out there that are difficult to get around” strategy as the grenade exploded and/or when it hits, it holds someone up to get hit by J.Fierce. I would think this works well for any character whose objective is to fill the screen with difficult crap so you can’t rush him down. But, no one ever uses it. Just think BBHood, Megaman, maybe even Strider. I don’t know cuz in all honesty, I don’t play this game anymore. It’s pretty much dead here in my part of NorCal.

It’s definitely worth it. I saw some vids of Rodolfo vs JWong from ECC7 and that’s pretty much all Rodolfo was doing. TK grenades with Sent-projectile assist. If you can get a hold of those vids, you’d see what I mean. Rodolfo didn’t win that series, but it’s textbook Cable and it’s not like he lost to a scrub. I had the fortune of playing Ricky Ortiz before his last hiatus on the east coast and he was doing the exact same strategy on me. I felt pretty powerless to hit Cable. It’s a very proactive strategy, but it allows you to be safe if your opponent does something out of the ordinary. In other words, it’s the ideal trap.

hahaha if anyone does normal jump gun xx grenade, expect to get ur ass fuckin RUSHED down… to whoever asked if it was worth it to do TK grenades… let me answer with my question… do you think its worth it to do TK-AHVB!!! HUH? !!! HAHAHHA holy shit…

ok if you do TK grenade and Magneto DASHES under and TRIES to launch you, you can still block in the air… when you do a normal jump gun XX grenade, you can’t block on the way down… plus TK grenades as someone said are cancellable with AHVB… so if you do a TK grenade and call sent gamma, and ur playin sent and he does an HSF to try and get you, you can CANCEL to AHVB and fry his ass.

I don’t do anything BUT TK grenades anymore, unless you do a LOW jumping FP then EXTRA low to the ground grenade… but yu still cant cancel that shit if sent tries to be agressive.

That is all

—1) What are some ways to combo into AHVB other than,, xx AHVB. For instance, I saw a vid where someone did,, and somewhere they called CapCom AAA which OTGed the oppenent and they wer able to combo into AHVB. so are there any other ways to combo into it with or w/o various other assits. And can that CapCom trick be done with cammy or ken AAA?—

There is a crapload of stuff you can do to link the ahvb. The most obvious is the,, You can also, scitimar, ahvb. The one I love to do is, dash forward,,, 5x s.hp(gun), lp scitimar, cancel to ahvb.

Well another way to combo into Cable’s AHVB with Captain Commandos assist is to:, dash over,, + Capcoms assist and reverse tiger knee superjump sj.hp fall xxx AHVB!

I hope this helps you alittle!

Until Next Time…CABLE IS CHEAP!

to put some more damage in there…

jump in hk, dash forward, standing lk, mk, hk (right after you press standing hk, press capcom assist), then AHVB. it’s the same combo as you put, it just does a lot more damage.

Another fun thing to do with Cable when you are bored is instead of using the you can swap it with a s.hp or you can use c.hp and just as teh bullet leaves the gun cancel it to a AHVB kinda hard to do it and have the bullet shoot aswell so I would just cancel the first hit of the c.hp. Another great way to link a AHVB is to have Cable/Mag-a and go : dash over, c.hp + mag-a xxx scimitar AHVB its does alot of damage so use this if you use Cable with a magneto team.

Also if your opponent is in the corner you can basicaly do the same combo only let the c.hp shoot bullet and xxx Time Flip then sj. grenade dash over xxx AHVB and bam you have a dead character.:lol:

you do alot of damage by dashin,s.fpX4XscimitarXXahvb, if you link sentinel in there{you can actually link in a double set of fp’s with sent} you can do over 100 damage with just 1 super.

Here’s Something I Wanna Discuss: Now I’m high, so give me a break, but I think this aspect of Cable needs to be discussed more. And with this being the “Official” Cable thread, I think it’s a pretty fucking sad excuse of one of the 4 best characters in the game, part of the “God-Tier” as we say. Anyway, there’s more to him than just s.FPx4xxs.lp scimitarxxAHVBx4, grenades and the SFRH. I want all of Cable to be looked at, and I don’t even think Fluffy’s thread does him justice. Here’s my ideas on him:

First: The thing that does him absolutely no justice at all, and it should be: His anti-air assist.

Cable’s anti-air assist oughta be considered among the top 10 best anti-airs in the game… (Capcom Jin Psylocke Cyclops Cable Cammy Doom BlackHeart IM/WM Shotos (Ken) ) in no particular order.

Cable is invincible while he’s jumpuing out, so if you’re using him to stop rushdown, then you’re actually pretty good to go, cuz mag’s quick lk’s won’t knock him out. He leads with his Scimitar in the move, cancelling out projecticles, but not multi-hit beams (i’ve seen it) and just trading a hit. His anti-air is also MULTI-HIT on the ground vs. non tiny chars (MM/R/S). His anti-air OTG’s opponents. His anti-air can go through T.Bonne proj. assist at cretain times (mostly in the beginning, his scimitar being forward goes through the projectile and hits before the rings can reach Cable. Also concerning T.Bonne, if you are playing a character with super armor, then you can feel free to rushdown, Cable’s anti-air will use the super armor buffer to take TBonne out during the assist at pretty much any moment during it (rarely is he overpowered). Making him even more deadly with Sentinel since you can launch the point or assist character out of the assist since it is MULTI-HIT ON THE GROUND (told you it was good). That can lead to a juggled assist to death in the air with LK’s (if the point dies, or even for a little bit because the assist carries them off screen so high).

His assist IS full screen (limited it goes slow, but it still is full screen). I use team Storm/Sent/Cable, so he comboes PERFECTLY with that team as well. Storm can ground chain into Cable AAA and go into a hailstorm for 1/3 a bar of damage, not bad for a simple 3 button combo, an assist, and a super. And if the hail falls right, you can cancel from the hail into a Lightning Attack, pray you hit them, and cancel into Lightning Storm, pretty much a dead character since the Hail resets. ESPECIALLY IF you DHC of Doom that shit w/ Sentinel. (BEST TEAM EVER!!!)


Other Points:
-Use his assist to cut off parts of the screen, it’s angled rise can be used to trap in the corner (no jumping out) and to cut off the top or bottom of the screen from your opponent depending on where you are when you call it out.

-If you trade hits with the opponent, it still sends them flying, giving you time to recover.

-If it connects and their assist connects on you, you will recover first since Cable’s AA will bring them off screen, and Cable will be safe as well.

-If 1/3 of screen or less away, it will safely go through an AHVB and take out Cable.

-Nice Combo: Storm on point w/ Cable AAA,, otg + assist, Hailstorm

Sure it’s Rollable, but noone EVER would expect this. It looks flashy too, since noone does it.

-Non-Rollable Hail Combo:
c.lp, + assist,, (assist hits)xxHailstorm

-Capable of being EASILY used to guard break into a super or a manual launcher, even if they pushblock.

-Big character, if blocking a super like ProtonCannon or MOB, call out Cable and use him as a shield so you can counter super.

Yea, so that’s his assist, there’s a lot more, but I can’t think right now, so gimme a break or something, lol. but yea, I’ll post more on that later.

As far as his unique handling style goes, don’t stick to the basic thing of grenades, viper beams, and proj. assists…Vary it up, keep them guessing. Keep them pinned with SFRH’s, tk’d grenades, standing grenades, sj.grenades, scimitars when you get them into the corner, jump ins, rushdowns w/ assists, pin them down, do whatever, use EVERY move in his arsenal. The key here is to PLAN AHEAD, know what you want to do and make sure you can follow it up w/ something so that you can continue the lockdown. Crackdowns (QCF+K) are especially useful if you want to get to your opponent quickly and keep them in block stun while sent’s assist follows you into them and keeps them in more block stun, allowing you to,, s.fpx2 + assist on first FP, FPx4 + assist xx hp viperbeam. Builds meter too. Don’t stick to runaway with grenades and an assist, attack, then switch to trapping, then runaway, you change easily change the tables with Cable. Bait out assists with a fake rushdown and pullback with a AHVB into infinity. Cable isn’t a runaway character.

Random Points w/ Cable:

-Scimitar OTG’s stuff…

-Summers Family Roundhouse (SFRH) Simply owns. Seriously, in Cable vs. Cable matches you can safely jump in at the opposing Cable and call an assist because he will try to AHVB but the range and speed of the SFRH will get in an tag him out of any chance he had at killing your assist.

I’m too tired to write anymore, I’ll be back later, but use this as a start, please. Cable has SO much more to do.

Nice post, but just some random notes of correction.

Simply not true. Cable can get hit out clean by moves like Mags jump fierce.

You can’t LA xx LS after hail storm, since you are in normal jump state afterward.

If you’re using Storm/Sent/Cable, why not just do standard AC Lightning Storm, HSF combo?
