Reptile vS
I’m terrible so if someone wants to win add me
anyone want to give me my weekly fix. I suck at this game, but I don’t ragequit, complain, or send hatemail. gt: t3amrand0m
for sure add me if you want all the ppl i play now are from LA
update im on winterbreak now so ill have alot of free time on my hands add my xbox GT if you want games against a mid level player
Would like some games with people here. I’m done at my last university so I have plenty more time currently. I play Rogue/Storm/Gambit (X-Men baby), but can also use teams Matrix and clockw0rk. My XBL handle is LordHDL so feel free to add and send a message like “SRK” or “Marvel.” :wgrin:
sup guys hit me up on xbl for some games, please let me know you’re from srk though or else I’ll just ignore you. I’m looking forward to getting owned
Hey ppl :)…would love to play some mvc2 with you guys and see if I am any good…I am usually on quite often during the day just random times I suppose… my gamertag is RedWolfenstein
Anybody up 4 some games on xbl gamertag cmj2303
Chris Hu: i respect DAT
gt and locale to the left.
Whoops, forgot to mention times and regions I get good connections with. I usually play around midday, EST (except no DST where I live), sometimes in the evening. A few places I connect well with:
[list]Los Angeles, CA[/list]
[list]San Jose, CA[/list]
[list]San Francisco, CA[/list]
The majority, but NY and VA especially.
Midwest and South
Mixed results.
I get best results with the EC. But regardless of where you are, hit me up and I will likely accept anyway as long as you live in the U.S. :wgrin:
Anyone wanna have a few matches with me right now?
add me im back in school tho so im only on, on weekends maybe sometimes at 6-8pm pst
What’s your XBL gamertag?
im looking for a few matches after 8pm def message me
Trying to learn this game abit, to help me with MvC3.
ill play you soriddo but i am a terrible teacher
Yo I’m going to spend some time with the MAHVEL tonight, feeling the crack. Shoot me a message or invite if you want to get down.
ill be on after 8pm if thats good with you tharim, sorrido you down too
I wanna play the couple days until 3 comes out, can someone teach me some magneto.
xbl tag, TheStreetzKing
Ill be on all night right now
On now. Anyone want some comp?