Im on ATM, hit me up!
GT: THH Keys
Looking for some good matches this weekend!
So I currently do not own a 360 but I’m house sitting for a friend who does. I’ll be playing pretty much non-stop from Saturday morning to Monday evening. Hit me up, his screen name is mikeFMFL. I’m really only interested in playing people that actually know how to play, chumps need not apply.
I want games, low tier, high tier don’t care
add BlackheartLDN
Who wants to own me later tonight at around 11pm? Imma be up till like 12. I wanna play a really sick Sentinel or a really sick IM. I especially need practice on those 2. Imma play Team Z and Scrub, and maybe my Jin team (suicide lol).
to that nigga on top of me, C-Dizzy
I guess i can give u a raping session if you want!
hit me up! :bgrin:
Hey yo, I just got an XBL account. Hit me up if you’re at least decent and like to play top-tier teams. I’m also on some random network right now so sometimes it might be a little laggy. I’ll have my own internet connection sometime next week.
hit me up if anyone wants to play today
im on alot so i dont have a specific time im on. im just always on anytime Invite me anytime im on im always down to play.
gamertag is under my name. I am on everyday pretty much anytime after 6pm is a save bet. My location is Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Play me! I’m usually on around 4:15 weekdays after I get back from class. Tag is my username. Skill level: I use storm/strider/doom casually, only know the basic combos and am working on wave dashing/tri jumps. Wahoo!
Well, I made it to the Xbox side of the tracks. Anybody who would like some low tier fun, hit me up. Or if you just want to totally trash me with top tier in order to claim, ?Yeah, I played him, he sucks? that?s fine too.
Then again, some of you guys may not need top tier??
Looking for games by any1 tbh don’t know what the connection is like from US to UK bt presumably UK to UK is better :s
Anyway Coco/DJ whatever u call urself these days im gona add u. didnt kno u had a 360
most of the time ill be in the ranked match rooms since i dont like waiting lol GT:CloudedXephyer
Need some good games
Yo all. Most of you probably have absolutely no idea who I am, but I’ve been roaming thru ranked for a while. GT is obviously DarkDreamT2, and I usually play Jill/Cyclops/Tron. Hit me up if u want battles, also, don’t hold back at all. Only real way to get better is to learn how not to die.
Need some players from the west coast, tired of playing east coast peeps w teleporting chars
Been playing too much ssf4 need to get back to marvel im on usually from 12-whenever on fridays /m-thur varies but mainly anytime after five pm oh yeah im on XBOx only for now no PSN
BTW dont bitch and complain about using assists if we play we will play with assist and mid-high tier most of the time.
yo diet my magneto is decent i can rom, reset, crossup but i dont like playing ppl on east coast, but we can still play sometime if u like just not as often as if u were on west coast
imma add you yourpapi i live in compton
Any ex-Magneto-player-but-all-about-low-tier peeps? trying to see if MM/Strider/Cable is worth the toilet tissue