Here’s a partial list of the traps I know. Keep in mind not all of these are infinite blockstun based.
Spiral-a, Sabertooth-B
-Spiral-Sentinel is basically the same trap, but a little less tight. Doom-b can be used here as well, but is much slower.
-Spiral-SaberTooth has a long distance version that cannot be escaped at all except via push blocking by some characters [Sentinel is one of them], and even then I have my doubts. A Sentinel player can get trapped, walk off, grab a soda, come back, 60 real seconds later, and he’ll still be in block stun.
-Spiral-Doom-b also works. I don’t even want to think of what would happen if Spiral subbed out Doom-b for Doom-a.
Doom-B, BH-B
-Jump back hp, all day. If they sj, you call BH and SJ hp, then fire photons till you land, then repeat from the start.
-Call BH, SJ HP, photon shotX2, land, repeat.
-Jump back hp, Call BH, SJ Photon ShotX2, repeat.
–The opponent needs Cammy to stop this. Capcom might be hard to get directly under Doom in this situation when done properly.
BH-B, Doom-b
-Call Doom-b, NJ back [hp or hk ]X2, SJ hp or hk depending on where the enemy is, air dash back, hold towards, hp or hk, land, repeat. When you want to deal your damage, you go dlk+Doom-b, Standing hk or ducking mp [sj cancel to a combo and Flying screen them into Doom, into a hk if this hits, and infinite them if this hits. Otherwise…,], Inferno XX HOD. They lose 20% health via guard damage every time you do this.
–Opponent needs Iceman to blast the Doom rocks, and shoot Blackhearts flying hks.
-Same concept as Doom-b with less chip.
3:40 in the traps begin with BH on point.
Sentinel, BH-b
13:37 the traps with other characters on point. Some aren’t shown.
-Ducking hp+BH, guided drones, dhp, fly, deactivate, repeat. Occasionally fly forwards and stomp them a bit, but that’s basically the idea. Dash back and try to catch their assists with Capcom, or other stuff.
–They need Cable to have a chance in this kind of situation, or something that can destroy your drones while they launch something to punish the drone call’s recovery, otherwise the drones will cover everything. Sj twice will get you out, but Sentinel will SJ after you with flying hp, and start fly-stomping you. After that, he calls BH, back dashes, and starts this all over again.
There’s more, but I have to go back and try to remember, and retest.