MVC2 Chanka Thread

I think it is…

slow down the Ruby animation.

Is she better now?

You make me want to try.:frowning:
Alas, my DC has been rocket punched to hell by my brother and I wont be getting one until next month.

:lol: UL fucked up your DC. Send him my love:D

Yes, she looked spaztic in the first one.

Why the hell would you need a Dreamcast to rip sprites from a Dreamcast Emulator?

…what now?

Chankast 2.0 is out… shadows and other overlapping are fixed! :slight_smile: And you can turn off the statistics data in the lower left hand corner, which I’m sure will help with frame grabbing a lot.

So that means Chibi can get his Tron stuff now…

edit: Test… is this the right size? Pichorro? Shin K? =/

hey can you rip some iron man and more cable?

Hey eek
according to Zwei’s tutorial…
“MVC2 also resizes to 384x224, but CVS2 is 320x240”

Oh sweet, thanks. :smiley:

The last time I read it he said he wasn’t sure.

No wonder my Jill sprites look odd. :frowning: lol

And you can get Iron Man from MSH. ^_^;

can u please link the Zwei’s tutorial?


:slight_smile: I hope I got the size right this time…

My friend AHS corrected her again.

sorry if this is the wrong time to ask. ive just noticed Junes sprite from the first page, can anyone tell me when she appears in the game? ive never seen that before. thanks.

EEK, can you rip Jill counter attack animation?

Good idea! :slight_smile: I’ll see what I can do.

June appears in one of Hayato’s winposes BTW.

Cool. Can you make me the kind avatar as yours with counter-attack animation? Zero will just do for the name. :slight_smile: