MVC2 Chanka Thread

I love you.

Damn, man… Pichorro, you make the best damn sprites. :slight_smile:

Marrow and / or Abyss …

Hey, Pichorro … think you could ask your friend to rip some sprites of Marrow? And, now that you’ve blessed us with a lot of new sprite rips, think you’ll take a swing at their supers? :smiley:

I aswell desire to see Abyss. LOts of Abyss. Form 1 and 2. More so 1.

:slight_smile: Kairi is sexy.

I think some dude posted a Abyss form 1 sprite on the MvC2 Sprites Request and Dicsussion thread, some time ago.

edit: Yeah, I found it… kinda blurry tho’. =/

here’s something i made… how did u guys make yours so small and clear?

these sprites are the shit:o :o :o :o

hehe, could you get a animated sprite of tron in her pink costume, doing her taunt?

AAAAAAAhahaha! :cool:

The emulator separates her from the machine in many moves making her cover it like the shadows.This is the only whole animation I could get of her.:frowning:

It’s not too long before someone perverts that sprite. :o

Cables taunt?

hows about Cable’s Scimatar :smiley:

Graurgh I hate how stuff goes behind other… stuff. :frowning:

edit: Can anybody tell me the correct resolution for MvC2? Like how SF3 is 384x224, etc.

Yeah thats some messed up shit right there.

Remember that screen shot I asked of you a while ago Pico, where Tron Bonne does her little animated taunt if left idle? You could do that as another animation.

I just want the last frame mind you.


There’s no way to rip that frame and most of tron’s sprites.The emulator separates her from the machine in 90% of her sprites.:frowning:
Here are some Marrow’s punch sprites.There are still 5 missing.I’ll try to get the rest tomorrow and animate her.

Oh, I got a good request.

Blackharts green demon on cable. Seriously, just look at that, lol

Oh, I see what you’re saying now.

Yeah, that’s happening to everyone, isn’t it?
