Mvc2 announced for 360\ps3

I would think he is just speculating but to be honest it makes perfect sense for Capcom to do this. I mean SF4 is a huge success and so was SF HD Remix. So for Capcom to want to turn down making money and not make these popular games for the new consoles makes zero sense at all.

Dude I would be happy to have a HD Remix version of Xmen: Children of the Atom :tup:

If Capcom developed a MvC3 and did it in the style of TvC models and such, I would not touch it.

hopefully they’ll nerf some of the ridiculous characters. you all know who they are.

how about no.

yeah, fair enough. don’t change it because of a “how about no.” :lol:

The best thing they can do with it is keep it arcade perfect.

If they ABSOLUTELY have to change something, then they should buff the weaker characters, not nerf the top 4. But i frown upon the game being changed, so im biased, like i imagine most people here are.

only thing they need to do is add random select lol

This lol

IMO a re-release should have this. Naomi/DC port

Add Random Select
Add Custom Colors/Music
Add Training Mode Options without having to exit and re-enter training mode
Buff The Lowest Tiers
Up-Scale sprites or re do them in HD.
and add GGPO netcode to the Online Mode.

i gave neg rep to the three posts on this page that deserve it.

stop speculating your bullshit, and stop requesting that there are balance adjustments made.
nobody cares about speculation and unbacked theories, and no marvel players want a balance adjustment.

now, giving the game WITH a balanced remix version (ala STHD), that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

1 hr and 30 mins till we see really is :smiley:

I want a balance adjustment. Tone down the big five and you have a helluva game. As it is, I suspect that the “team” achievements may help keep things fun for the mediocre player for a while. :slight_smile:


I can’t wait to shoot down msp with team preppy. These fools don’t know the power of the mega. Plz, don’t get fucking shot!

Marvel does need some balance and engine adjustments but the question is, who would do it? everyone is mad biased or not full of enough information to make a proper call. You would have to gather all the marvel heads together in a room and ask them to balance the game.

There’s only 3 or 4 people imo who could even handle re-balancing the game in terms of taking things away from the proven characters. You’d have to have put serious time into every character and be of the mind not to over’balance’ the ones you like. Whereas everybody and their mother thinks they could add things to lows. Any kind of a group effort though and its MUGEN-tastic-- every character would have a triple air fire-ball and would fly round with a jet-pack all day.

IM-Humble-O, any subtractive balancing is the wrong way to go. Marvel is Hype BECAUSE Mag/Storm/Sent are broke/Preppy’s av exists bc Marvel is hype-- logic loop. :]

I just can’t wait to see what subtle engine nuances/unblockables/randomness they accidentally remove when the numbahs get crunched again.

anybody seeing what im seeing on

You mean a black background and nothing else?

Assuming you’ve all read this by now:

apologies if old hat, just hadn’t seen it up here yet.

pics of hi-res and widescreen as well.

I don’t mind the inbalance… it makes me feel good to win with spiderman.

for the re release a buff of low tiers would be nice. What is done for tiers is done but hopefully a buff would be nice with the extra features. I hope for Marvel vs Capcom 3 a location test near my area and it may not be balanced but maybe not as broken as MVC 2. I do love MVC 2 though.

Wait why would cappy be making a Guilty? Does sega have the exclusive rights or is it shared with Arc.