MVC Infinite Lounge: DLC Characters and Costumes launch Dec 5th

This thread lol…

SF2 didn’t have online, but it had an arcade and I was of an age when Lil ashy niggas used to play vs all fucking day…

Take that arcade mode and test your might bullshit somewhere else… we don’t wanna hear it.

I am however looking forward to the cinematic story mode.

I just hope Peter Parker isn’t P tier this time.

I can do without Spider-Man actualky


Capcom didn’t cut anything. The X-Men/Fantastic Four characters *couldn’t *be used because **Marvel **wouldn’t allow them to. They can use them as DLC because it isn’t openly promoting the characters for the upcoming game. People keep acting as if this was something Capcom wanted when it’s clear that they wouldn’t hesitate to include the X-Men or Doom. It’s silly.

I’m mad hype for Gwenpool, if she turns out to not be in I’m going to be salty.

lets be honest here, mvc2 is a fun game to play ,for the hardcore, but if you want to look at the actual game itself, its awful infact the game itself only became as popular is because of a number of glitches and shit people who made the game had no intention of happening. this games greatness came about by pure luck. it is not something that can be repeated under any circumstances

It’s not even really about the balance for me. That’s the company’s agenda.

It’s the idea of having an interesting roster of characters and not 2 different Wolverines and 3 different shotos that aren’t much different from each other. Starting with about 40 is a good start and like PsychoJosh said, INFINITE DLC on the way.

What Spiderman is the biz.

I wouldn’t mind Superior Spiderman making it in but I know that’s a pipe dream even if he is my favorite.

Marvel 2 is still the best versus game we ever had do shut the fuck up.

Superior Spiderman, for those not in the know, is a period of time where Doc Oc had control over Peter Parker’s body via mind switch. It’s a lot cooler than it sounds, as Otto was more ruthless and brutal than Parker, had a strong technologial edge involving spider-drones, sick Doc Oc reminiscent ‘spider-legs’ and was constantly walking a tightrope to avoid being discovered

Here’s a pic

And yes, Superior Spidey would be awesome

I liked on Marvel Superheroes that you could have more than one gem and swap them and use all of them in combat. This “groove” thing is an oversimplification.

However, maybe they could keep that “I win, I take your gem” thing from MSH in the arcade mode of the game… a little similar to the “choose your super art” feature maybe?

*wrong thread

So what platform(s) are you all getting this on?


Just like SFV… steam and PS4

Chris is actually using this as his cover photo on Facebook now.

Yeah I just grabbed an Xbox One so ill get it on steam and xbox. Hopefully we get crossplay but i doubt it


Personally don’t see it as an oversimplification as it is making the system more balanced. It’s likely this time that we’ll be able to use two of the same gem (e.g. both teams having the Power Gem), so if one character/team is optimal with one Gem, then both players on that same character/team don’t have to sacrifice not using it.

Crossplay is still possible for Xbox if Capcom chooses to release a windows store version. I hope we still get PS4/Steam crossplay.

This game better be able to support up to 4 players. Teaming with a friend online in SFxTK was great.