MVC Infinite Lounge: DLC Characters and Costumes launch Dec 5th

If he means influence of what characters will be in the game I could see that. I don’t agree but I see it

If he means from a design standpoint, yeah idk

If we’re talking about animation I’d say captain marvel animations are more similar to nova than anything in injustice

It gets no respect because the actual games are shit

But let me tell about all this other bullshitnthey add that casuals love.

the artstyle in the trailer looks nothing like injustice. can’t believe we’re actually arguing about this

MK is defnitely doo doo to play competitively. It’s fun in casuals but that’s about it. I can’t imagine playing MKX 6 hours a day to compete in tournaments. I’d rather eat a bullet.

You are negative as hell man

It looks A LOT like Injustice

Coming from you this can’t be real.

Came to post exactly this.

Thats just his 6 buttons returning?

Preach bro

Not to mention they have people playing on separate monitors now. Soft af

God dammit, I accidentally clicked on Test Your Might again…wait what? This is SRK? :confused:

Trying way too hard at this point. We got it.

I really just think you try to avoid obvious points to goad people into replying more. This is such an obvious reason.

When people go see a classic band/performer live, they don’t want to sit through tracks from the new album. No one gives a shit about the new album, we wanna hear the songs that made them who they are today.

MvC3’s Marvel side for the most part delivered on that. Infinite seems to be very much asking me to check out its soundcloud.

Separate monitors all day. I always hated having to be huddled right next to someone else with our elbows rubbing. Fuck off with that nonsense.

The guys you want might not be relevant to today’s Marvel. You got guys in here wanting Eddie Brock Venom when he hasn’t been Venom in over a decade and hasn’t been prominent in anything since Spider-Man 3 in 2007.

I get character selection, I was more talking about details of those characters.

This isn’t obvious. I also don’t believe in “obvious on sight” nonsense. I work in marketing so I need numbers and the metrics you used to get to that conclusion.

The example you used is incompatible, too. Just because a character has an updated look doesn’t mean they will lose the essence of their gameplay.

What difference does it make if Eddie Brock Venom gets in vs whoever the fuck else Venom is? They’re going to look the same either way, no?

Ha ha, it sure sounds that way. Call it my inner English Major.

I’ve already provided a better way I think they could approach this type of setup though than a lengthy ‘defeat the villain’ story line that fighting games stories default to.

Different Venoms do different things. Flash Thompson as Venom is basically Black Suit Spidey with soldier-esc weaponry (guns, grenades, etc) that lets the symbiote take over as a last resort.

Honestly, there’s a better chance to see Carnage considering he has an ongoing.

The upcoming Spider-Man Homecoming villains are Vulture, The Tinkerer, and Shocker. I personally don’t see any of them getting in.