Get that bullshit outta here. This game is nothing without my naughty blue kitten.
I don’t entirely agree with your position on eSports (it’s true there’s no standard for physical fitness; it’s more about the competitive nature of these games) but at the same time I really don’t like what it’s doing to video games as a whole, particularly with my favorite franchises. Attempting to introduce esports to an audience of regular sports fanatics is really stupid, and it’s making them dial back creativity and censor things more for the sake of being televised to sports watching audiences.
I don’t want these games to grow to accomodate casual idiots, not if it means losing everything I like about my games. The fact that they forced several R. Mika players on the past two Capcom Cups to wear her less sexy costume just makes me mad on principle.
I agree, they need to brighten things up a bit, this shit ain’t NRS.
wonder what that info roll out schedule is. Will their be a decent diary? Are they going to do a year long beta? Since capcom USA and marvel seem to be handling this and not Japan I assume they understand communication better then the Japanese office.
People getting too hung up on the term, when esports is basically what we’ve been doing since we figured out that we could play fighting games (and video games) competitively and started running tournaments for it.
In any case, the word “sport” comes from the Old French word desport, which refers to activities done for leisure. And majority of our sports today evolved from games people played for leisure in the past, hence the term being defined in Roget’s Thesaurus as “activity engaged in for relaxation and amusement”.
So esports are just video games following the same path that traditional sports did towards professionalism.
Yeah, I’m good with Felicia & Hsien Ko being dropped. Let’s get some new Darkstalkers in here; Q-Bee, Demitri, BB Hood (“New” as in not in UMvC3), Pyron, Bishamon & dat Raptor. Fucking anyone we haven’t seen in a while. Darkstalkers has way too many cool characters to just reuse Morrigan & Felicia all the time.
Considering that Abel City (Mega Man X stage) and Asgard seem to be fusing together, I’d go well with the prevailing theory of an Ultron and Sigma fusion as final boss.
Seriously, all I’m reading here is “wahh, wahh, why does Du get to make $230,000 playing SF seriously”. The time and effort these players put into playing these games at that level rivals that of many athletes. If you have issues with people getting paid to play something nominally for leisure seriously for money, then you should have an issue with professional sports in general.
I don’t have a problem with people playing games competitively or taking them seriously, but I think its insulting video games are on ESPN when real sports like Bodybuilding NEVER get on ESPN.
Maybe then your issue should be with programming and how TV works, which is based on viewership. Face it, esports gets more and more viewers each year which is why it’s becoming more lucrative.
As for the titties, maybe your issue should be with America’s puritanical views on sex and violence where the latter is more acceptable than the former.
I know people will probably try to make fun of my complaints by saying “lol you’re just a sexless weeb crying that you don’t get to see boobs and ass anymore”
To which I say, censorship doesn’t stop at sexy girls, pal. You know those “cool badass” Darkstalkers you love so much, like say, Jedah and Raptor? If they make it, they’re going to get censored too. They have moves where they mutilate themselves and spray people with their own blood, inflate their enemies like balloons and even weaponize their own living guts. This is not going to make it to air on TV, and their creativity will necessarily be stifled by having to remake themselves for TV audiences and eSports… so if I lose my sexy catgirls and wrestler babes, you lose your self-mutilating cool dudes. Everyone loses.
I don’t know if you guys have seen it yet, but Buffalo Wild Wings (think generic chain sports bar) has a commercial out where they are talking about how they play esports at the restaurant and it must be a sport because they only air real sports
Way to jump to conclusions, I didn’t say any of that.
If you think esports is more popular than bodybuilding and the fitness industry your out of your mind.
my issues are with America’s views, thats exactly what I said in my posts…
it seems like your viewing this as some kind of personal attack. I don’t care how another man makes money, frankly thats none of my business. The only issue I have is the disrespect your showing to athletes by comparing your “effort” to theirs as if yours is even in the same hemisphere.
The facts are Morrigan needs to seduce men. She does this with her big boobs. Take away her big boobs and you have Lillith. Their censoring someone even when it makes more sense not to. They wouldn’t put a pair of pants on Zangief, he’s a wrestler, lots of wrestlers wear nothing but their underwear. Yet they censor a succubus. The agenda is clear and its bullshit.
Good, I’m glad the dudebro jocks are rejecting this. I hope it forever stays nerdy and I’ll be doing everything in my power to make sure it remains that way.
If mainstream audiences adopt competitive video games, we lose everything.