MvC:I the 'Sales' topic (financial status of the game)

They should give some DLCs for free, at least. Or discount the game.

Did SFV have a discount or free DLC?
Looking at that it seems like the answer is; not going to happen. Plus they will be milking the game for ESPORTS and sick combos.

Not to mention I think Flippino Champ must have had to much influence in this game. What are his favorite characters, Dormammu and Ghost Rider. They happen to be very good characters.

No but it had unlockables.

They could do that AND ALSO increase the sales by offering some discounts and such. The game’s bombing. It’s not like the game’s retail sales don’t matter; they’re part of the profit they’re supposed to make.

The sales will have a steady increase as they continue to release dlc characters, especially the xmen

This game is bombing?


Sigma, panther, venom and monster hunter as DLC? 100% bullshit. I expected those characters to be in the game and aside from X, were the only reason I even wanted the game. I was right about them being in, all DLC.
Suck my dick, capcom. And marvel. Shitty business practice was a no buy for me.

Yeah sure, they gonna patch in 10 GB of high quality textures and character models for a game that bombed in sales… Sounds like an even smarter business decision than releasing it in its current state…

The whole “trickle down” effect of making a game sell more by chopping it up and releasing it as DLC over time to keep interest and sales coming in, only really works when the game generates a lot of interest at launch.
If nobody gives a fuck about it at launch, even less people will give a fuck about it when the DLC comes around.

The game could sell more over time, slowly, but as things are getting added to the game, it could attract more people slowly into the game. Right now I think the community is the one who needs to support it.
Though casual audience is shit imo, most of them (im pretty sure) will criticize the game without even playing the previous ones, or they just played MvC3 a few minutes and called it a day (I know some ppl that are like that).

New disc update. I see no other way.

MvC3 is an entirely different beast tho, it rode off the back of a very long and passionate hype train, and to be fair that game was more bare bones than this one. MvC3’s launch sales were more based on the ressurection of MvC and not on its actual content alone. With MvCi there was no hype train, people didn’t wait 5-10 years for this new game that might have never happened, it just popped up out of thin air, here’s a shitty story trailer for you, boom!

I think if they’re gonna be good they need to release everything else extra to Wave 1 DLC for free, costumes, characters etc. I don’t think a new disc version would go down well what with production costs and everything. I think a major cosmetic update is what the game needs, an expanded story mode, fix glitches but leave balance alone type things, maybe rename it and give it a sub title.

Because you can be sure as hell peoples aren’t going to pay $50 for Wave 2 and Wave 3, but they might pay money for a 2018 edition if they cleaned up the game and promised additional free content.

Take the 6 announced characters and add 6 more, and sell it as a new disc.

It still doesn’t change the fact they picked characters no one cares about (like Haggar, Frank, Spencer) but it could make it a little more appealing for people who weren’t (specially if they add Wolverine, Magneto, Deadpool, etc).

Now that I think about it… it wouldn’t work. They would have to add new modes (people already seen the story mode of the game, they’re not paying for a new game with the same story mode), change the GUI, new stages, graphic improvements, among other things… just like Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.

Oh, dear God… Capcom must be in dismay to see how hard this is bombing, the game’s practically dead on arrival.

They should have focused on the characters and released Story Mode as DLC instead.

Because that worked out SO well the last time Capcom did that.

They should’ve focused on making a good-looking game to be honest.
How about not taking 1-1.5 years to make a game, but rather 2.5-3 years to make one, not outsourcing models/animations and hiring a real comic book author to write the story?
Another plus would’ve been using real voice actors instead of asking the families and friends of the designers to do it instead.

The thing I don’t get about Marvel 4 is why the fuck do they use MvC3 models, and animations instead of SFV as a base?
That’s like they had used SF2 models to make Marvel 1 or 2. It’s ridiculous.
Let’s be real, artistic choices aside, clipping and shitty vs screen portraits aside, SFV looks great. Why make Marvel look like a last generation game?

I don’t care if they look, if it’s the same roster I’m not buying it.

Sales matters more to companies, not big tournament numbers.

This; It’s embarrassing for both Capcom & Marvel as a whole. What’s even more embarrassing, is that Dragon Ball Fighter Z is being more praised by most fighting game fans than MvC: I is (& even looks a lot better than MvC:I does).

But i admit the poor sales is really disappointing. But i wasnt surprised considering the fact that the initial roster was not a good one, no xmen, only 4 ladies and no black character. Showijg trailers with ugly graphics which is a big turn off and people would easily compare how much better was Mvc3 when it comes to promotion than mvci.

I assure you that the amount of minority and female characters had very little to do with the sales. The real problem is that there’s a lack of characters that get people excited to play the game on the roster.
Things would have gone a little better if the game looked better and had those 6 dlc characters in the base game, but then again there’s some real garbage there like Black Widow and Winter Soldier, so…

X-Men or not, if this game was prettier it would have sold more. Everyone talking about the roster but the real barrier to entry is people seeing the game for the first time and realizing it looks worse than other games. My sister has seen me play tons of games and when she walked by while I was playing MvC:I she said “why is this game so ugly?”

This game’s graphics and presentation pretty much killed half of it’s sales, I don’t think anyone would see this game and think " holy shit, that looks nuts " unless they already know what they’re in for from playing previous Marvel games, but if you’re just some casual who’s never played previous Marvel games, you’d definitely be more hype even for CoDWW2 than this game. Meanwhile marvel 3 looked sick af with the cel shaded graphics at launch trailers.

Capcom already moving and pushing a model where they dont necessarily care about sales but views from tournaments and possible increase of sales during/after that period of time.
Idk if its on youtube but there was an investors short video describing how they plan to make money from UMvCi and SFV through tournaments.