MVC 2: Colossus

Colossus is one of my best characters, next to Hulk, and Juggs.

*The one thing you have to know with Colossus is his Tiger Knee LK Shoulder Charge. Perfect that and he can be formiddable opponent. The recovery is instantaneous, faster that what they would expect so I try to get in a free throw (hopefully into the corner :smiley: ).

*Also, his armor is a must! After I activate his armor I don’t even worry about blocking since most moves do almost equal to block damage. I like to use his Standing and J. F.FP with his armor since it has good range and power (you need range since most likely they’ll be running away scared shitless). Also, just for your information DO NOT hesitate to use his Power Dive with his Armor. The power dive with slice through anything like a hot knife through butter, such as M. Tempest and Hail Storm. Although I wouldn’t advise trying to hit Storm through the hail storm since it hard to hit her cause she flys backwards and she has good recovery.

*In my opinion his Anti Assist is the best, since it has better start up and covers more of the screen where your opponent will be. Such as flying sentinals, jumping & runaway cables, triangle jumping whores, and demon tossing blackhearts. If you learn to perfect the timing on this assist, it will really piss you opponent off.

There is another thread on Colossus. I would advise checking that one out. Good luck!

im sorry but i dont understand what the tiger knee lk shoulder charge is?

anyone have any strategies on how to beat amingo with this guy or anybody his air combo is so annoying

Start with Colossus and use Juggy & Sentinel, At the start of the fight initiate the Super Armor while calling out the brothers(Sentinel Rockets) and go to work! Make sure you wavedash cause your opponets are going to commence with Project:Run Away!!!:lol: :lol: There’s so much you can do with this team but you need patience & timing but you should be fine! Remember to use his anti-air helper cause it’s incredible especially with Sentinel & Juggy in da hizouse!:wink: :evil:

How do you use his Power dive super? Usually if I active it, it’ll knock the guy down but the hit will miss (I think?) It’s just a stupid super I think.

Instead of doing d, df, f, lk you do d, df, uf, lk

It puts him in the air to do the special. It works best for Cable and his AHVB, not sure if it helps Col much.

Just combo it off his AC ending shoulder charge when in the corners–I personally can’t get it to connect any other place (with the shoulder charge). I can however 1234 straight into the Power Dive pretty efficiently anywhere.

his power dive…
you do the regular motion to activate it… then push down + PP to make him dive downward at any moment.

as for his good combo, the shoulder charge isn’t really necessary… either way you’ll still get good damage (shoulder charge or power dive). The charge xx power dive has to be very instant i think. I can get it a few times when i do it real fast, but if i lag on it then it won’t go.

Yea, i do agree that his AAA is better overall, though if you’re quick enough, his Dash Assist can set up combos.

I still don’t get it.

Okay, his power dive super hits twice. Once when he screams and seconds when he dives down. Can you combo both of those hits? Usually I can combo the first hit but then the dive always misses because it is so slow unlike Hulk’s gamma crush. Maybe I’m mistaking… but it just doesn’t register as a 2 hit combo.

once he flies and hits press d+pp to go down immediately and hit again, it can and will connect twice in the air if you time it right

That super’s useless unless your going to kill a nigga, otherwise, don’t bother …But it’s a good mind trick when you do it, then cancel into another super!:lol:

lol i played against you at the last tourny (the team tourny) at DBS sounds (in gainsville). Your team is too good.

Colossus is off da hizook!:lol:

heres another %100 combo for clossus

in corner: jump in HK, QCF HK, otg c.HK + call juggernaut dash aaisr, QCF LP, Power Dive (direct it down almost asap)

colossus owns

Team Steroid!


No diggy!!!:cool: