Music CDs: Metal, JP, Hip Hop (Prices Drops) Last Call

I used to work at a Japanese record store so I have a bunch of CDs I bought years ago that i’m going to start getting rid off. Many of the CDs are Japanese version. Most are American version.

$1 each + shipping

Judas Priest: Juggulator, Demolition, Meltdown 98’ Live, Prisoners of Pain
Ozzy: Ozzomosis, Bilizzard of Ozz, Live and Loud, No More Tears, Just Say Ozzy, Down to Earth

Disturbed - Believe
Halford - Voyeurs Two
Suicidal Tendencies - Friends & Family 2

BTNH - If I Could Teach the World Single
Dialated Peoples: 20/20, Expansion Team
Field Mob - Light poles and Pine Trees
DMX - Grand Champ
Mack 10 - Hustlas Handbook
Coolio - Gangsta’s Paradise
Nas - It was Written
Bizzy Bone - Alpha and Omega and Speaking in Tongues,

Some examples of stuff I have. If I don’t list the album, it means I have multiple CDs from that artist. I can give specific albums on request.

Southern Allstars
Field of View
Luna Sea - Greatest Hits
Ryuichi Kawamura
Joya - Ken Wakayama
GI Code - GI Code
Magic - Best Hits
Max - Maximum
Ranma - Greatist Hits
Stellvia - Wave of Stellvia
Megumi Hayashibara - Perfume

im looking for gwar scumdogs of the universe. mint condition.

Sorry unfortunately I have no Gwar…wish I did have some Gwar though their fucking awesome!

Any Nightmare? the group that did the themes for Death Note.

What Sabbath albums you got ? Any Maiden? What other rap stuff you got?

Nope but I do have some other anime osts. I’m weighing out some of them i’m not sure about selling. This is pretty much would I have in that department.

Nuku Nuku, Hokuto no Ken, Gungrave, 2 different Ranma OSTs and Stellvia. I might have some more but this is all I could find at the moment.

TYR (has back insert only, when I bought it, the cover was Eternal Idol for some reason so I actually have 2 of those slips), Cross Purposes, Forbidden, Black Sabbath, The Eternal Idol. I also have most of Ozzy’s solo albums too.

Edit: Oh and the only Maiden I have is Rock in Rio. Rap, I have Dilated Peoples, Field Mob, Bizzy Bone, DMX, Mack 10, Nas, GICODE…

Is That Left Head ?

Thats right. I also forgot I have Yoko Kano: Be Human.

Damn! I was hoping you had a copy of heaven and hell and some gang starr

I do have Heaven and Hell but it’s one of favorite albums of all time. Not selling that :slight_smile:

I’m keeping most of my Dio but I am willing to sell Strange Highways if youre interested.

Don’t have any Gang Starr though.

Post prices.

I intend to once I get a grasp of whether or not SRK is even interested in this sort of stuff. No point in posting prices and inventory on items nobody here even wants right? I guess I’ll post up everything over the weekend.

I’ll set the the tentative price at $5 for any CD and $3 to ship. Some i’ll let go for much lower then that but $5 will be the base…

EDIT: Opening post updated with some inventory and pricing. Will post more CDs and pics later this weekend.

Yea my favorite too would never sell it if I had a copy :smiley:
Oh shoot :confused: wanted some of their stuff you got any vinyl?

Nah sorry man just CDs

BIG O cds?

Nope. Thats pretty much all of my anime soundtracks

Updated with some examples of the Japanese stuff I have. If I don’t list the album, it means I have multiple CDs from that artist. I can give specific albums on request.

Southern Allstars
Field of View
Luna Sea - Greatest Hits
Ryuichi Kawamura
Joya - Ken Wakayama
GI Code - GI Code
Magic - Best Hits
Max - Maximum
Be Human - Yoko Kanno
Ranma - Greatist Hits
Stellvia - Wave of Stellvia
Megumi Hayashibara - Perfume

Be Human sold! Added pictures of all CDs with cases (except the one with big bird on it That’s a Japanese punk cover album of Sesame Street songs…yeah). I also have a lot of loose CDs from Metelica, Ozzy, Cyprus Hill, Pantera, Offspring and many more. Those will rang from 1 - 2 dollars or maybe even free depending on the situation and CD in question.

3 dollars a cd

Price drops!