That was alot of fun and the drive wasn’t bad at all. We should have something for the SSF4 release that weekend. I’ll have a copy. Anyone know what Capcom is doing going for those that have SF4 and Super. I want to sell SF4 before it come out.
The name’s Masamune_Shadow. Fix it please.
Also, since I took the footage, would you mind if I uploaded the footage?
cival boys…
definite get together on the release weekend.
I will have a copy as well, as I am sure most of us will.
I hope they plan to do something for us, with our original copy, since everyone else will be getting the deal of a lifetime, $40 for a game with 3000hrs replay value.
I want something good for preordering, for once. Damn marketing people utilize that pre-order to increase profits for Capcom, so they should give back to us, too.
fixed, sorry about that, and you are more than welcome to upload the footage
I am thinking about buying a capture card for future events as well.
I don’t know if 5 days is enough for people to get the feel of the game and who they want to qualify with but I want to level up in Super with everyone as soon as possible. We could have the qualifier that weekend to or mid May. We seem to have a lot of Chun players so if 2 qualify one will have to play a secondary or they can have a first to 5 to see which player gets to use her on the team. If I manage to qualify I probably stick with Blanka although I’m in the mood to throw roses at people.
Ya, I was thinking the same, all the CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK from the buttons gets tiring after a while.
No worries, my handwriting is super sloppy anyways.
I’m uploading the photo’s now, link when finished, and the Vids I don’t have to edit together.
Photos are:
Youtube is :
Also, if you got an Idea of what to call this…event? Let me know, and if I/group consensus likes it, I’ll edit the names.
good game!
yeah man, good games gotta relearn how to fight against rog, I had a friend back in San Diego that used to main rog, but he switched to viper, so its been a while since I fought a good rog player.
I hope we can do this again next week
Edit: I found them, just no names before matches, and they did rematch for button check threw me off.
But there’s two matches of Brent (Vega) vs. a Honda, so I’m assuming it’s Slappy slaps and then the knife since he was in grand finals.
Yeah your right, it was the knife… i made it in 4th place on that one.
At the most I would be able to come out once a month but probably closer to 6 weeks.
Ok, All vids are uploaded, but it may take a few min. before they show up.
It was really great to meet everyone and get some matches in. I will definitely be down for heading to Muncie a lot after SSFIV comes out.
See you guys next time!
I think it would be fun to do a team tourney as well… maybe indy crew vs ft.wayne crew?
When ever any of you wanna come down again is cool with me. This week I’m vailable after 3pm on Thurday and Friday and Saturday after 6pm. Let me know if you wanna come down.
I cant stand playing online, but I’m gonna play anyway, so I gladly invite anyone to stop by.
Man Do I ever need some Bison V. Chun prac. didnt realize that I havent run that match-up til I got rocked by bigapple3am. I started to get it toward the end but I came up way short. GG
you know ill be there this weekend
sweet, we’ll have to see if we can get a couple more cats to come down too.
Imma have to get some sushi on Saturday though. They only serve it between 5-9 on Saturday. So I may have to run out on a mission to get some carry-out, if no one else is down to get some delic-sushi and sake. Oh yeah and I get it all for 30% off
wow, nice. never had any sushi, been meaning to give it a try eventually.
i might show up at your next get together after this saturday, muncie’s a bit out of the way for me though. hope you don’t mind another scrub to beat on, but it’ll be nice to meet you guys and help the scene grow. i also need to not be a scrub and play with someone who isn’t over an internet connection.
Hmm… I just realized the last few vids didn’t upload properly, I’ll have to fix that tomorrow.
Updated 1st and 2nd Post with this weekends plans:
Inshort some FT Wayne and indy people are working on plans to make it down this weekend.