Hello people at Shoryuken.com!
I’ve registered to this forum to come and ask a question about the character model/skins (for the game Street Fighter 4, in case someone overlooked that), since I enjoy playing with custom models and skins and ran into some trouble.
So… I downloaded custom skins, for some even multiple, and I was able to make a character have multiple custom skins, instead of just one with the default colour number the downloaded custom-skin file had (when you choose your character you can select from 10 different colours when all unlocked, yeah those :P).
Now, for some characters I have downloaded multiple models, for example for Ryu. I’ll have a look at Ryu. I assume the file called “…\Street Fighter 4\Battle\Chara\RYU\RYU_01.cos.emz” is the model file for Ryu, and the files below that file are the skins, as shown when going to this url: http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/7035/ryufiles.png
I’m currently using the Jin’s mod for Ryu, but I would also like to have the alternate skin enabled, the official one, like this: http://www.fightersgeneration.com/np/sf4/sf4-c14.jpg
Now, when I change the colour number of a skin, for example, I want to have colour nr. 1 to be colour nr.10, I use Notepad+ to edit the RYU_01_01.col.emz and the RYU_01_10.col.emz files with Notepad+ like this: http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/4333/ryufile1.png
Then I edit the lines in green, to make it look like this: RYU_01_10.obj.emm and RYU_01_10.col.emb. I do this the same way with the RYU_01_10.col.emz but then I change it to numer 1, you get it.
It may/may not be the right way to do it, but it works for me, so why not?
Now, when I want to have a character (in this case Ryu), to have multiple MODELS, for example:
Colour number 1 bound to the model: custom model-Jin with “RYU_01_01.col.emz” with the file named to RYU_01_01.col.emz,
and have colour 2 bound to model: Alternate-Ryu with the file named to RYU_02_02.col.emz.
I thought it would work out by editing RYU_01_02.col.emz (Colour 2), and change it to RYU_02_02.col.emz, and have the “RYU_02.cos.emz-file” to be the model of model:Alternate-Ryu.
But, when I try this method, the game crashes, so by doing it this way, it proved to be ineffective.
Do any of you have a way to get this working?
Feel free to ask me any questions whatsoever, as long as it has to do something with this ‘problem’, like I forgot some important information or something else helpful for you to provide a useful answer.
Thanks for reading all of this, and for the M. Bison fans I have a picture for you
Link: http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/5352/legendairywarrior.png