Multiple Games Pro

Yeah QQ you’re right…but to me though I may be somewhat gifted in this area, it still boils down to hard work.

After you get at a certain level in one game it surely helps with the others…but
yes for some games the system is the toughest thing to learn…and I do know some that “can’t” learn more than one game at a time…

I am of the “Dont put your eggs in one basket” philosophy.

I know many that are against this “jack of all trades” approach, and say I’ll never be a master of anything.

I say bullshit…Justin Wong plays everything and hes a master of Marvel and close in the other games. And please dont give me the “But he’s Justin Wong” thing because you dont know what the hell you’re talking about. Justin Wong puts as much hard work into things as any of us. He works as hard in his games as I work in my games…so dont say that because you are talking out of your ass like he doesnt even or never had to practice the game.

Now sure once you get at a certain level you dont really have to practice before a tourney like others…for NGBC with me for example I really dont have to practice before a tourney so I dont really…I focus on other games that I do have to practice because I’ve reached the top phase or top echelon of players in that game…

I am close in my SNK games to being a Master and get closer the more I play…so it can be done…it all boils down to one thing-

HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT. If you want it bad enough you’ll find the time and hours to train in it…if you dont you’ll let that or anything else… stop you…

And I want it bad thus I play 50+ fighters at a competitive level.

juicy g (gg/3s/mvc2)

Justin Wong (3s, CvS2, ST, MvC2, GG, Tekken 5). I’ve seen him place multiple top 3/5s or better in all.

Ok , so how do you want to pay me? The bet was - Ok , so wanna make a bet? If he hasnt been world champ in any of the games i stated , ill pay you 1000 dollars.

You loose. I asked him about the name of the team btw , but hes having trouble remembering , so I wouldnt count on it. But why is it impossible to get good within 2-3 weeks or so ?

EDIT: Hmm , I DO realize i sound cocky and shit. But dont be saying im lying dudes.

I asked him about the name of the team btw , but hes having trouble remembering , so I wouldnt count on it

Isn’t that something.

But why is it impossible to get good within 2-3 weeks or so ?**
Good in the competitive scale? Yes. It is impossible.

You should go back and edit your post to the only thing he was good at was mario kart speed runs. You are lying about counter strike.

I didn’t say it was impossible to get good in 2-3 weeks, don’t put words in my mouth. There is no player (known, top players, since the game was released) that picked up the game in 2-3 weeks. Learning the maps, gameplay, recoil patterns, basic strats and setups, and so on… that takes more than 2-3 weeks. If CS was a 1v1 game on aim_map, I could see someone who is gifted as fuck coming over and dominating, possibly, but to learn the entire game, which takes months to do… I don’t see it happening. Fatal1ty picked it up in a couple of months, and he’s one of the best DM players, but he still wasn’t able to hang at the top for long.

Like I said, spouting random bullshit just bothers me, but when it pertains to something I was/am passionate about, I get angry pretty quickly.

Im not putting words anywhere , but i felt it was implied that getting good that fast would be dang near impossible. I wouldnt know myself. I played Unreal tournament only , and was never any good tbh. But jeez , why would i lie about this? :confused:

lol anyone can be anything on the internet woooo.

Uhm yeah , also in real life. Ppl lie to me all the time " yeah , im a rocket-scientist" , yeah whatever. But some things can be proven.

Try this guy in any number of games on Zbattle and you will see what im talking about.

Fatality picked up cs in about 2 weeks. Started a team and made it to cal-i playoffs with them. then dropped it to go back to deathmatch. Its possible to pick up cs in a couple of weeks if your playing with the right ppl. Ive seen a couple of great quake players do it Wombat, destrukt and ntt to name a few. If u have the natural talent the rest is just learning the game engine and strategies.

fatal1tly played for a lot longer than two weeks. He rode the bench for forsaken and only scrimed with him for awhile. They never really let him play matches. Before that he always played for fun and even joined team3d at the very start for a very short time and I don’t think ifate was in cal invite. I am almost positive they played UGS… But it was years ago so I could be wrong.

But that just goes back to my point. When fatal1ty joined cs and was playing at a high level. The community gossiped about the fact that he was “new” to the scene.
If a random had joined SK, Everybody would know about it.

Unless you mean forsaken, They made invite playoffs but did so without him as they wouldn’t let him play. -_-.

Pretty sure Wong hates GG…

Its obvious u dont know shit about the situation and just repeat what you read… I was there for most of his first scrims and for his first lan @lethalgamers. I meant cal-i playoffs in a diff time period.

The point is. The dude was a pro quality player in about 2-3 weeks a month max. All it took was the right environment. Everyone at forsaken, and most of the dallas area players including me helped.

there is no set amount of time it takes to get good @ something. @ most, its just a # of hours.

like if you played a game for a month but only 2 hrs a day, thats probably only 60 hrs of actual gameplay. A pro gamer can hit 60 hrs in 2 weeks easy. 1 weeks is pushing it really. Gotta have breaks and such.

to you it took a month but I honestly believe that theres no set time to get good. Just how long you play for.

And yes, you can be good @ multiple games. Most people don’t realize that you can play each genre of game pretty much the same regardless of title. For example, there are street fighter strategies that work in tekken. Its not so much as the title but the general concept of fighting.

The same can be said about FPS games. Theres CS strats that can be applie to all other FPS games and they will work and vice versa. Why? the genre itself cannot escape its basics and those basics will be in every game for that genre.

Beleive it or not the more types of games you play w\ in the genre, overall, you will get better in that genre. You start to understand general strategy that can be applied to any game w\ in that genre and thats all there really is to it. Of course there are some subtleties like game engines but thats just a formalility.

w\ fighters you can basically poke and set your opponent up for a big CH for some life. This works in any fighting game you’ll ever play. Theres alot more to it than that but general concepts is how you become good @ all games. Its guru level gaming.

some of us would call that a bum

Excellent post! But also , talent and learning ability ( two sides of same coin maybe) needs to be taken into the equation . Myself , i can put many hours into a game , but i never become a TOP player. Ill get above average ( for example top 30 in a game with 200 players , Super Mario Kart ) , then i start to tire easily , and quite frankly , my earlier “way of life” , hasnt exactly left me with perfect memory , and RE-LEARNING stuff , is a bitch i dont like.

But yeah , spend a lot of hours ( doing the right things! ) and youll get good. If your also a quick learner and talented , u can reach the top in “most” games with the right determination.

no one has said amir?

mother fucking is a top head in a lot of the FFA ranbats for most games. cept tekken I think.