MS Paint Whispers II: Is Fuzz a Dog or a Moose? -- GAME OVER, IRAQI CIVILIANS WIN

Im ready to win this for the third time in a row.

We’ve played one more game over a @furious. You should sign up there for round 4 :tup:

Yo count me in

I’ll play again if we’re doing it in SRKGD

Have you guys been seeing other people behind my back?

It’s mostly that we forgot to invite you :sweat:.

But yeah, most of the regulars the used to play here migrated over to JTM so that’s where we play these games now.

Ah no worries


cool I’ll sign up

Here are the results from MSPaint Whispers III:,93.0.html

If I could get equal number of players from JTM and SRK who aren’t the same people, I’d consider running a concurrent game, JTM vs. SRK, to see who comes up with the closest to the stimulus picture.

And then die from the aneurysm caused by having to judge on such a metric.[/details]

The number of times dicks or penis appeared in the thread must’ve triggered this dude…

What the fuck?

Wow we need another one of these. Maybe I should do the Mario Paint one I wanted to do.

Do it

You know I’m always down to draw some dicks for some MS Paint Whispers.