Strangely enough, I have not seen too many Dr. B’s - however, one of my friends from Portugal play him a bit. He has him looking like Vergil from DMC3 (and he plays him with Miguel who resembles Dante in his custom edit). I heard that he pisses a lot of people off with his Butt Slide… I’m already used to it, thanks to training mode and my friend exposing these little aspect a little early.
I see alot of terrible Mishima playing… like LOTS.
I also see Jun/Asuka and Jin/Jun alot.
I play Kazuya/Jun, Kazuya/Bruce and Kazuya/ Devil Jin the most.
Kazuya as been my main since T2…
Been seeing almost nothing but Mishima, Kazama, and Law teams. -_-
:eek: KLM confirmed as strongest consecutive three letter combination in the alphabet.
What rank are you? I am warrior and these days I been playing solid mishima players online.
I can’t say much about online because I actually see a variety of teams at times. Offline, I haven’t seen anything either. However, on a personal note, I can say the people I associate with or have been around in a tournament environment, tend to use the male characters, most commonly Steve, Hwoarang, Baek, the Mishima’s, Eddy, and the Kings. My friends seem to diss Nina for some reason, I don’t know why.
:eek: Because that bitch is a BITCH
Went to a buddy’s place recently and watched him and another friend pair play online and fight five Forrest/Marshall teams in a row.
They then proceed to fight Jun/Asuka three times in a row.
I said it would be funny if the next match was Forrest/Jun.
I’m going to end the story there.
I havent played online, but I recently started playing this game. I usually [without intent] play characters in fighting games that most people don’t use. I was wondering if anyone was using the characters I am using such as Zafina, Xiaoyu or Lili?
I do use Marshall Law and Heihachi also.
I use Lili, and I’ve been running into more Zafina’s recently than before. Also despite the fact that online tends to be full of mishimas, Laws, Paul, Bryan, Bruce and Steve for me, I’ve been running into a steady stream of Hwoarangs recently.
I’m personally getting sick of seeing all of these damn Laws. I’m flooring the hell out of them but seriously, give me a Bosconovitch or something.:bluu:
It’s not the laws its just Forrest Law I see all the time.
I see a lot of both myself and they always abuse the strings that go into flips. Always the flips.
I always fall for those. Are those their top moves or something?
I don’t know but they can be stupid a lot of the time because so many of Law’s strings go into flips. Most strings like this are mids though, so if you can see his sweep coming and block or parry it then you’ll be relatively safe blocking high.
The law flips aren’t safe tho infact i think they r launch punishable
Indeed, but online, factor in a least one frame of input lag and that’s harder to do than you think. Just don’t push buttons and wait for a flip I guess.
Jun + Asuka, Alisa + Lars & Laws.
I’m feeling a whole sort of letting the game tell you who to pick vibe…
I’ve never come across the mirror match with my team. I use Jaycee/Bruce. Or will sub in Leo for Jaycee’s place. I mostly see tons of Asuka/Lili
I used to use Asuka/Devil Jin and now I use Xiaoyu and Devil Jin.
If I see one more eddy/christy team im going to spazz