Most difficult trophies

my hardest platinum game of all time was SF4 THE TRIALS ARE SO HARD!!!

Yeah, no. Try Trash Panic. There’s no platinum trophy, but even the bronzes are impossible to get. My shit will probably sit at 0% forever.

:xeye: SF IV trophies were a breeze. I had most of them within my first 2 weeks with the exception of the online trophies and Gen’s final challenge. Not only did I have to deal with people dropping and keeping me from getting wins, I had to deal with playing that piece of crap game too.

For me, I’d say WipeOut HD. I have every trophy with the exception of Zone Zeus, where you have to reach zone 70. Best I got to was like 68. Also, Ninja Gaiden Sigma has some pretty tough trophies. Most are just time consuming (1,000 kills with every weapon/character/Izuna Drops/Guillotine Throw/Ultimate Attacks) beat the game on every difficulty, then you have to re-do every difficulty on chapter challenge (so basically beat it 8 times) but the hard ones can’t be done with out an online partner. Since I’ve played, I only found one partner that was half good and on top of that, Sigma has horrible online… dood.

SF4 trophies are easy expect for “collect all icons” and “collect all titles” that’s what makes it hard and takes lots of time… You need to complete all challenges, time trials and survivals with ALL characters… And I’m not that good at fighting games even tho I have a stick… I love them tho

trash panic and wipeout are probably the hardest games to complete 100%… socom’s trophies can take a long time to get as well

The most difficult trophy for me is in Super Stardust HD. It’s a silver trophy. You need to collect 15 Bombs in Bomb mode, only using Bombs. No weapons @ your disposal, other than the bombs you start out with.



Disgaea 3 no question. Put it like this. There are a shit ton that involve reverse pirating. Nuff said.

Disgaea’s just take time (time I won’t ever spend on them).

I mean, I can take 10 characters to LV9999 in an hour with time to reincarnate some of them and do it again.

The reverse pirating stuff, just get a team of high movement high throw characters and a supporting group of high movement monsters.

I’ll say PixelJunk Eden. I won’t even bother with that shit after I got to the gravity well levels. I don’t need that kind of frustration in my life.

My thoughts on difficulty level of obtaining a Platinum for the games i’ve 100%.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune was pretty frustrating to beat on Crushing difficulty.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves wasn’t too bad on Crushing. hell of a game though…GOTY IMO.

SF4: Just takes a lot of time. Hard Trial combos were easy once you break it down.

Blazblue: Not too difficult. Just takes some time like SF4.

X-Men: Wolverine Origins: hella grinding. not hard at all. sucks that they dont tell you which dog tags you are missing in each chapter. Aside from that…chapter select helps out a lot when gettin trophies in this game…very convenient.

Tekken 6: easiest platinum ever. just gotta find AI tricks to beat that stupid Azazel boss. oh Nightmare Train was a bitch too…other than that…i got this platinum in less than 10 hrs probably.

Resident Evil 5: most fun out of the games that i’ve platinumed. Lead aspirin trophy i got by chance…wasn’t even trying to do it! heard it was really hard to get.

so i guess out of all the games i’ve platinumed, UC1 was the most difficult. AI is cheap like an SNK boss and a few stray(sometimes a couple) bullets will insta-kill you. very VERY frustrating.