Mortal Kombat II(PlayStation 3)-- a few questions

Hey guys, I saw today that Mortal Kombat II is dirt-ass cheap for PlayStation Plus users, and I have a few questions about the PS3 port of the game.

  1. How accurate is the port? I saw that Winter Brawl was using it, so I guess it’s at least playable, right?
  2. Can I map my buttons? This is a big deal for me because I would really not want for Xbox LIVE Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 to repeat itself(although that was a kickass port).
  3. Is the netcode just buggering awful, or is there something there that remotely resembles playability for someone who wants to learn Mortal Kombat II?

Any help I can get in these matters would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, fellas.

To question 2, no you can’t change the buttons, unfortunately, unless there’s a secret menu somewhere in there that I’m not aware of. Haven’t played online yet, so can’t answer that, sorry. As for the accuracy of the port, seems to be pretty accurate. One thing I have to warn you of, my friends who were using a wireless controller say that sometimes it feels like there’s a delay between a button press and actually doing something. I haven’t noticed that at all (but I mostly use the sticks so that may have something to do with it), but I thought it should be brought up.

I guess not being able to map my buttons isn’t too big a deal, unless they mapped LP to L2 and block to R3 or something similarly retarded.

No, buttons are simple for both the controller and the stick.
Square = high punch
X = low punch
Triangle = High kick
Circle = low kick
R1 (R2, L1, and L2) = block

  1. probably the best MK2 port around, minus mame emu’s

  2. nope but thats been said above

  3. netcode? well it is PSN, but it depends on the person your connecting too. again, mame p2p is always better.

anything else?