It Goes :
d.c.Fierce /\ sj.Short > sj.D+Roundhouse XX Roundhouse Shell Kick (hold back) / s.Jab > c.Fierce /\ sj.Short > D+Roundhouse XX Roundhouse Shell Kick (hold back) / s.Jab > c.Fierce /\ sj.Short > sj.D+Roundhouse XX Roundhouse Shell Kick (hold back), etc.
If this works please post and tell me what u did and if u didnt involve timing. i really want to know how ot do this infinite so any good advance morrigan players try this and tell me what u did to make it work if its true ok thanks.
This infinite only works on Doom, Tron, Venom and Bison, I believe.
It’s pretty easy. The only trick is getting the launch, you have to hold straight down or else you risk getting the cape sweep. You have to walk under the opponent each rep when you do it.
Someone did this on my doom yesterday at Camelot. It was pretty tight watching it. He also got it to work against my storm, but he messed with the timing some.
I didn’t know you could do the infinite on so little people. I was trying it and just couldn’t get it right. Is there something to the timing? Or am I just doing it on the wrong people?
Also, I don’t know what the first one is. It’s being done no Ruby Heart. So hopefully that can be done on anyone. If anyone knows what that is please tell me. Thanks
Whoa-- the one in the first vid is new to me. Looks awesome, gotta try it out. Hopefully it works on more than just Ruby
GGG-- As for the normal inf, it works on Doom, Tron, Collosus, Storm, Venom, Bison, Silver Samurai, Anarkis, Zangief, Sabretooth, Ruby, and Amingo. You can also do one cycle to set stuff up on the Hulk, Sentinal and Juggernaut. Good luck
the first vid can be done on sent jugg and hulk… i think its easier. all u gotta do is time the fierce and drill kick… ive gotten em dizzy before with it… i do small jump jab,kick,medium p., wait just a tiny bit fierce, tiny bit more drill kick… works off both one or two drill hits
Out of curiousity, can anyone get her superjump cancel corner infinite [dash in s.LK, s.HK, sj cancel, adf, sj.LP, sj.MP, sj.HK, land] working reliably?
I’ve only been able to get about 3 and a half reps (17 hits) out of it. The timing on everything between the s.HK and the sj.LP is just too difficult. Not to mention my sucky execution
This thing is darn near impossible. The most I’ve ever done is about 3, yeah, but I haven’t been able to do it again. I’m sure there’s no limit though. The hardest part is going from a dash to a jab. I’ve nearly got the kick/superjumpcancel/dash perfect, but I can’t figure out why the jab sometimes doesn’t come out.
Your message inspired me to try this combo again, and I’ve found that s.HP appears to work better than s.HK. Maybe it’s my imagination, but you don’t seem to get pushed back as far.
Another thing: I don’t think this combo is restricted to the corner, although I haven’t done it enough in succession to really test it. I recall managing to do two in the middle of the stage. Doing one rep surely works, and looks pretty sweet (trying to work this into her normal play).
Well I tried it again last night-- took me like half an hour just to do one rep (I finally cheated and set the HP button to PP), and I never got past two reps, but here’s what I found:
First, I can confirm about it working from mid-screen, I managed to do two repetitions outside of the corner before I messed up, and it definitely looked like it could have been repeated forever if I had been able to keep it going.
Second, it looks to me like it would fit into her normal play pretty well-- I mean, even if you screw up it’s still pretty safe and it keeps the pressure on them – and you actually have a good shot of getting an accidental reset out of it. In fact, if you change the timing a little you can use it to set up a VERY fast cross up with the sj.LP.
I’ll try it out next time I play against someone-- at the very least if I pulled off one rep it’d look awesome Good luck
As far as I know you need an assist to set it up, unless you land a lucky hit at just the right height and distance from the corner and just go straight into the infinite.
Sorry – It’d be nice if I were wrong about this though
I did try it ! CR LK , CR HP , SJ LK , HK , Drill (6 hits easy for me )land then relaunch again but the hits stop! I can do every 6 hits but not carry on…donno y?
Im not really infinite worthy at all, but this inifinite is easy cuz I can do it. I actually just watched it on youtube and just did it at home, very fun to pull off. it works easiest on medium size characters like Ruby, Doom, Omega Red. It works on others but timing might have to be a little different.