More info about AE2012 coming tomorrow and day after

i hope all dive kicks get nerfed further.

They’ve been nerfed enough.

Dive kicks now go upward, and have the recovery time of Gouken’s hurricane kick.

It is only +11 if you do it at the lowest possible height since the recovery is 15F. Also that is only for her MK. LK is -3 on block and +9 on hit

They just made additional changes and are going with the quasi-phonetic alphabet


but beta instead of bravo. maybe gamma instead of charlie. Alpha, Beta, Gamma.

When have you ever heard of a game going into bravo? Or charlie? Are you really that dumb?


You are an idiot


But wait, there is more!

Am I impressing anyone yet?

If you didnt fucking notice, I was remarking on how Capcom is just NAMING these releases. They are not alphas or betas by definition. AE is not open source, unstable, causes crashes and is certainly NOT an unfinished product (unless you consider Dudley, Gouken, Rose, etc missing tools an unfinished product)

If you want the REAL term for what they may call the next release, I would say it’d be an RC or…

OMG!?!?!?!? whats that? Release Candidate can also be labeled AS GAMMA OR DELTA?

Its almost as if I knew what I was talking about…

Yep, still waiting to see the game that’s gone into bravo or charlie.

Good job getting extremely butthurt over an insult on the internet though.

And in case you’re wondering it’s your complete ignorance of the Greek alphabet that I’m baffled over, not that you can’t google shit, which I now see you can. Grats.

awww sweet. i love semantic arguments

I was bored

it is EXTREMELY uncommon for a game company to use gamma or delta (not unheard of, but extraordinarily rare.) Not one of my friends at Valve, Relic, or Gas Powered Games has experienced it at any of the companies they have worked for.

They don’t use other terms. To be honest, I don’t even know why they’re calling these changes “beta” and “alpha.” When a game is undergoing development there are a ton of different versions. They usually just group all of the versions together on that stage and refer to the different versions by the date they were finished. That’s about as close to a standard as most companies have.

[details=Spoiler]various ways I’ve seen
α Ver
α Build 1.123
1.123 Build
Build 1.123
Internal β
RC 1
Final RC
a lot more I don’t remember[/details]

All of 2012 AE versions are basically release candidates. They aren’t changing the engine at all.

Would make far more sense to do it with just version numbers. But when has “making sense” ever mattered to Capcom?

My point exactly. They are not alphas or betas to begin with (by definition) which is why I suggested Capcom was just going by a phonetic alphabet