More info about AE2012 coming tomorrow and day after

Get your decoder rings and universal translators ready!

Just figured I’d give a heads up to anyone who didn’t catch the tweets :slight_smile:

Good stuff man

Please gods of the magical urf, some proper buffs for Rose and Hawk. Give us something to get excited for!

They are most likely going to release pics of the new alts, realistically.

Probably, “who needs balance here is some more DLC costumes for 3$ each!”

I hope that they do have some changes lined up (reverting some of the Yang changes to make him more in line with Yun. Changing both of them to have 20/40 meter gain on palms instead of 20/60 for Yun and 10/60 for Yang.) Reverting the 1000-950 nerf on Makoto (not really a big issue more of a “that is stupid and pisses me off even if it isn’t a huge balance issue.”)

Give Vega some love. None of that “well he seems fine to US” bullshit that they pulled for the alpha version changes of 2012. Give Dudley love where he needs it rather than where he doesn’t.

Overall, a lot of shit that they did for alpha was good but a lot of stuff was either pointless or downright insulting (Dudley Rose Cancel. Makoto Hayate Charge buffs.)

Yeah, there were many arbitrary “buffs”, so i hope those people at the loketest spoke the fuck up and gave Ono and friends something to think about.

Give Gen back his goddamn EX Oga invincibility and call it a day, I’d rather have that buff than a buffed EX roll that no one ever uses much in the first place.

Looking forward to the upcoming info.

So excited, hope for some nice things to come up :slight_smile:

Yun and Yang is gonna get buffed… for real(i think lol).

Anyway I heard they buffed Ryu’s HP shoryu though im not sure what, I dont think its damage, but the properties of it… I couldnt make out much since I wasnt paying that much attention during SBO. lol

Yun should not get buffed in any way. You watch the loc test vids (and as you saw from being there) Yun still dominates, if anything his stun should be dropped down to 950 like Yangs was. Yang should get 1F knocked off of his s.LK to bring it to 4F instead of 5F (still 3F during super) and both characters should have their palms changed to 20meter on whiff and 40 meter on hit (Yang is 10meter whiff 60 meter hit. Yun is 20meter whiff 60 meter whiff. Both are 30/60 with HP in AE)

I’d be sad if they buff Yun and not some of the chars who are still struggling at location tests.

I’ll be at NSB this friday and will definitely check out the loc test.

Hopefully this time I get to take notes and stuff.

It was. They just didn’t put that on the dev blogs.

They should definitely keep some of the nerfs they added in v.2012 but they should also revert the really stupid ones like the 2nd hit of target combo being at -6 on block (really? ibuki is like +1 after her TC, lol. -4 was fine) and dive kick nerf. yun’s dive kick already does VERY little hit/block stun, it’ll become really shit with a higher height restriction.

insert random I want my character buffed and character I can’t beat nerfed

All jokes aside Makoto’s axe kick is too strong.

A larger hurt box should do the trick.

Return of the tkcs plz?

Proper buffs to Hawk will make me love the guy all the more. Or at the very least, an Ultra II input that makes sense for an ON REACTION ULTRA!

Also, make the fat kid from the overpass stage a playable character.

His ground stomp is OP though.

As long as Fuerte gets nothing but buffs I’m good. I’m just concerned that the blog said they focused on keeping him " fun " rather then “competitive”

Hmm, I wonder what kind of info are getting: more in-depth versions of the info we got last time or new changes concerning the new loketests?

Since it’s 2 day blog posts, I don’t think it’s going to be a simple “DLC costumes coming!” announcement. I bet it’s more character changes since this is beta location test vs alpha last time.

Im guessing Yun keeps the damage nerfs and they probably revert the ex grab and dive kick nerfs.