Aight I pre register for that shit
thx. advice well taken.(that was me using guile and doom btw, and picked shuma once by mistake). but really the truth is that everybody that played u the other day was trapped in the corner with loads of swords and rockets :xeye: so it didnt matter who they used. on a sidenote, john(i think that’s him) basically destroyed my whole team with just doom himself with no assists
also 4 those of u cares about mvc2 vids and haven’t heard the site yet, check out tons of vids inside, some old some new, i think the site has been out 4 a month now
Man’s greatest achievement? Perhaps not, but can you afford not to read on when I am about to tell you about bad employees? The constantly changing fashionable take on bad employees demonstrates the depth of the subject. Given that its influence pervades our society, it is impossible to overestimate its impact on modern thought. Often it is seen as both a help and a hinderence to the upper echelons of progressive service sector organisations, who are yet to grow accustomed to its disombobulating nature.
Posturing as concerned patriarchs, many politicians guide the electorate herd to the inevitable cattle shed of ‘equal opportunity.’ Placing theory on the scales of justice and weighing it against practice can produce similar results to contrasting night and day. I hope, for our sake that bad employees will endure.
ArcadeKid, tu pourras aller a ton vieux tournoi aux states
Glad to know that Im popular now. :encore:
There’s actually a take on the subject of bad employees?
And…it can impact modern thoughts?
And…the upper echelons of progressive service sector organisations are profiting from it?
Is the author writting a dialogue for Resident Evil 5???
Following the destruction of Raccoon City a new threat as emerged in the form of BAD EMPLOYEES…their stronghold is called AMUSEMENT 2000+ and is located in the city of Montreal.
The government has ordered the holding of a council and talks are currently underway.
Up to this point it was unclear as to what their real intentions were but a 2000+ customer recently witnessed something troubling that will undoubtedly forever be etched on his memory…One of the BAD EMPLOYEES had neglected to repair the MVC2 cabinet…
This leads us to believe that they are ill-intentioned individuals who plan to eventualy rid Amusement 2000+ of all customers.
We have yet to find out if these individuals have a leader…
Special agent Gill Valentine has been dispatched to investigate…
What an intriguing (for lack of better of better word) piece of article you’ve found JD but did the author actually misspell the word “hindrance”?
It doesn’t by any means or manner hold up together and really amounts to naught.
What kind of bearing do politicians and the electoral herd have on the subject of inept employees?
If there’s one thing that’s not the greatest achievement it is certainly his article which appears to have been written the most perfunctory way.
I wonder where you found that article JD.
JD and Spyyy : WTF are u guys talking about? seriously, wtf is this shit :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
oh yeah, Seb’s jumping combo is the greatest :tup:
Wow…I didnt understand shit :sad:
Ah on a side note I might go to 2000 around 4-5 I hope some of u are gonna be there I dont wanna end up playing the puter :tdown:
Va mira a la place Smokey.
Sentinel est unlocked la,just kidding but come to mira anyway
Quelqu’un serait intress organiser un tournoi de Poker avec un buy-in de 20$(friendly tournament) MAT?
Il devrait surement avoir au moins 15-20 personnes qui seraient intresss participer ce qui est quand meme pas pire.
Qu’est ce que vous en pensez?
Lol trop tard je suis aller jouer contre John je deteste jouer debout anyways =P
Hey quelquun connait le cave sur le site ici c le gars qui pense quil est bon a mvc2 pis cvs…lol Je vais peut etre alelr a ce tournoi la juste pour lhumilier…pis pour le party aussi muwhaha :rolleyes:
moi et veas on va aller si qq d autre et down faite le nous savoir
Chui in of course,God of Halo 2? PLZ!
Well meh and Steve and lots of ppl from ahuntsic are going bcuz our trip is gonna be 1/2 paid by the school =P and all the SSBM fans at school want to go so w/e Im going for the party and to play SC2 even if I aint very good.
I want to see Veas and Arcadekid own the shit outta that lil fuck who thinks hes the king! Lets challenge him to money matches if hes so godly =P
Those guys are the biggest fags I’ve ever seen!!! HAHAHAHAHA
dans ce cas la laisse moi rire de toi si le mec se presente meme pas considerant le fait que ca date de 2003.
12-13 mars 2005 fuck that I already took the 19th off for MAT.
En plus c’est fucking cher, pis le seul bon jeu de tournoi c’est SC2. What a joke.
I dont really care I already said Im going for the party and to have fun.
Cmon Luc
viens avec nous
on veut un lift on paye l essence tu paieras rien : )
pis je veux te voir gagner SC2 cmon
Il vienne de update le site so…mouais…ya plus de defi a battre ce nul…Ya que sc2 que Luc gagnerais c PEUT-ETRE clair car cest sur gamecube…and I know fighting games arent playable on gc…Well…gc pads.
Yeah I know if I actually go I rather play on the Nuby stick then playing on a GC pad.
En fait jai un Nuby stick ( i know it sucks ass)
et jai un Hori. Si quelquun a converter de ps2 a GC I can bring my Hori its totally better then the sticks on arcade cabinets at 2000 IMO. But anyways Id have to ask in the hardware section if there are no problem with convertin the hori ps2 stick to GC