Montreal February Thread 2005

LMAO :clap:

Tournament thread has been updated with tournament schedules.

gg !! 2000+'s sticks and buttons are falling apart :rolleyes:

-_- I hope it doesnt end up like last tourney.

hey. i think i saw you guys play poker sometimes.
I play texas hold’em?
If yeah. U guys know a room we/I can go play?
Otherwise i can open up a place for some people
U guys interested?
And is MAT3 gonna have ggxx? or not?

How experienced are you ?
What kind of place are you willing to open ?

Slowly practicing my execution in MvC2. Got 26 wins today practicing on the sticks… Now all i need is someone to play against. Seb, when’s the next time you’ll be there?

Been playing casual for a few years really
Not really often but still, I just like playing =)
I can open up an appartment place for people to come and gamble.
more details later im at work right now.

26 wins! Wow ppl actually play for that long damn I always have like 15 to 19 wins and then ppl stop playing :sad:

Edit: Well today I was asked if Magnetic Hail was Sacred and once again Ill clear it up cuz c chien pour MH lol The short azn guy is Magnetic Hail Arab guy is Sacred.

Yeah, I know.

For the ppl I played against (I dunno if any of you come here, but hopefully you do ^_^), here are a few things to help with your game. Take it or leave it :stuck_out_tongue:

Cable should never be first. The reason is pretty obvious. Meter.
Even with Storm on a team, there’s no point in having a hail DHC as a backup when you have the AHVB.

Guile, Shuma Gorath, forget about them. :smiley: Unless the opponent is also picking non-top characters, they just encumber the team.

Doom IMO is pretty mid tier. Fits well with Strider or BH as an assist, but not really with anyone else, ESP the big 4. On point he’s bleh against a lot of characters.

Didn’t really notice anything else, Hope that helps.

Yeah Cable first sucks…except maybe in team scrub he can be pretty usefull with Sent’s drone assist especially against Magneto and Storm IMO a very good option(even if very risky if Mag gets the first hit) if u can actually control space well.

does anybody know who’s that new tall guy that works at 2000+?
both times the mvc2 sticks were broken (yesterday and 2 weeks ago), he’s like whatever I’ll call the technician and then leaves without giving me tokens or anything … can he be more useless :rolleyes:

Lodge an ananymous complaint against him on the basis of his sleeping at the switch man.
Write a letter to the the boss stating that his employee’s negligence has caused you a great deal of emotional distress and that you will recourse to legal actions if no disciplinary measures are taken to ensure that this kind of incident won’t happen again and ask to be endemnified for the damages (mostly emotional) you’ve suffered.

The Champion has spoken.

Wow thats top-tier XD Yeah that guy is a fucking asshole he doesnt do SHIT -_- I just hope hes not the one working the day of M.A.T

What was broken?

right LP, it’s fun doing 3 hit air combos :clap:

I can’t take all the credit for myself.
I probably wouldn’t have won if you hadn’t asked me to turtle into 4th place.


MTLSF poker team is too strong !! Next time I’ll try to join you in the final table, so we can turtle that shit together…

I am running a 10 person poker mini tourney at my house during T6 (whenever that happens) buy in will be $50 per player with top three positions claiming prizes