It’s been a little while since my last post but here I updated my blog with what you can do at +3 frames.
Just wanted to update folks on the blog status. I’ve listed out all of eileen’s offensive options for all the different positive frame situations she can find herself in (outside of when opponent is side turned). Guaranteed punish and all that good stuff is all listed out for you guys to read up on. I’ll be going into the far more complicated defensive tech soon.
Sad to see how slow this thread is moving :(. Well a new post on my blog about how to deal with some of Jacky’s most annoying mixups.
Recent MM with eileen vs brad. My eileen dug deep. I won’t ruin the ending for you but get some poporn you’re in for a long set.
chibiaya version
Flash/Shang/Denkai commentary version
I also pettition that we change the thread name from teenage kung fu to “Claws to your face–Eileen Monkey Style”
I noticed last night that Geryon86 (who usually plays a completely different character), wheeled out a very nice Eileen, which was probably the most ‘monkeyish’ I’ve ever seen, utilising all the little hops, staggers and rolls to full effect :pleased:
any good match vids?