MO Woman lets boyfriend rape infant daughter, daughter dies




Doesnt matter the original subject, SRK can turn it into race. lol

will anyone visit s0v13t in jail for this crime he just committed?

Its people like this that make me hope hell is real.


“I just carried this baby 9 months as it formed in my womb, plus went through hours of painful labor to evacuate it from my body…sure, rape it and kill it. Just don’t get any marks on my rug, that’s a handcrafted Amish rug and I don’t want anything bad to happen to it.”

Screw the lethal injection death sentence…bring back burning at the stake. Would love to watch that asshole burn to death real slow

Just watched A Serbian Film last week too. Welp.

no matter how fucked up someone is, i can’t sit there and watch them die a slow death.

Yah niggas is just as sick as the people in the op


normally, i would let this kinda thing go unchallenged, but this time, i’ll keep it totally unbiased.


with that said, still don’t get too comfortable…



typical mid-MO trash, tbh

This. I don’t want to be any further disappointed by humans.

I prefer the death of one sick soul than the raping/ killing of many.

There’s no sugar-coating this.

As long as the dumbest, most immature ones are allowed to do most of the reproducing, disappointment is all that’s in store.

People just aren’t aware of the consequence of their actions.

What where they really expecting from all that?