"Mmm... You look like you're in good shape": Juri Q&A and General Discussion Thread

At first I tought juri was a joke. But I will avoid screaming “lolol she sucks” because, well, you never know.
She won’t be a rushdown type tho because she has nothing safe. Maybe online with lag you can get away with more stuff. Shit pokes, no hitconfirms, dive kicks trade for 1 pixel of damage (and are punishable no matter if you do the followup or not) lk wheelkick looked very good but is actually punishable (very at close range, at long range ryu for example cam mash sweep to punish it anywhere). Her counter, well, it’s a counter, I’d rather SKR (not that i’d “rather” srk, it’s that having a SRK is better than having a counter period). I think after two weeks she’ll stop working.
Then again I’m not a pro player so if someone can enlighten me how she’s supposed to be played I’d appreciate it. Maybe there’s something beneath that I’m not seeing, I just got the game yesterday.

I’ve actually never used c.mp percentage wise how effective is it?
I use c.hp when I can, it hits but not always for me.
is keep away really the same thing as turtling though?
because yeah you can dive kick away and teleport away
but that would be more like I have the lead and time is running out so I’ll run away

but for the whole match to just sit back and wait,
I do think her mid screen pokes are good as well
but that to me isn’t really in Juri’s favor, plus I use FSe that’s not advantageous for a player who turtles

I’m not saying you can’t turtle anyone can, I just think with her tools rush down is more advantageous

***edit: I’ve actually shouldn’t have been so hasty as I’m changing my approach with her and I’m liking the keep away and punish game with her

Her pokes are pretty good imo, love her cm. kick.
And she definitely has hit confirms after watching some of the higher level players using her.

How well does this work?
I’m either charging one or too afraid to even try using it
but that would help a lot if it’s effective

Depends on what character is jumping in, it cant stop Ryu’s Gigantic Feet or Bison’s j.Fierce but it works against other not-so-Godlike jump-ins.

Another thing I noticed yesterday, when playing in real life vs. decent players was, Juri’s anti air’s.

vs. Dudley, it seems she always loses to his “elbow” drop while I am trying to do c.fierce… Crouching fierce also always loses to Guy’s Bushin flip elbow thingy. It might be the priority they have in that animation. I know Guy pretty much comes straight down and Dudley is just Dudley. I traded a few times with Dudley’s elbow but most other times, I just got beat out! Maybe s.fierce could have worked???

I was messing around and noticed something weird. As akuma I can sweep her after lk wheel if I block it crouching but not if I block it standing.
Is it a hitbox thing or is crouch blockstun shorter in SF4?

Two questions:

  1. Should her qcb punch counter be used for countering fb’s? It seems like I have to anticipate when the fb comes in order for it to work (or maybe I’m just stupidly slow?).
  2. I’ve accidentally hit people with j. mp > j.mp > (land) c. rk, was curious if there’s something else I can connect instead of the c. rk for more damage?

Honestly, I’m starting to think Juri does have the needed tools to be offensive. I might elaborate on more another time in the Juri strategy thread. But all I’m gonna say is that it’s all about her fuhajin kicks.

you can kara these too

I do that a lot if I see the jump coming a mile away
you can air to air j.mp land j.mp xx dive kick if you have meter ex dive kick, land, they bounce off the wall then ex pinwheel just be aware of the cross up (if you use ultra 2 you can connect that instead of the ex pinwheel)

With st.mp?


She varies between rushdown and turtle.

Shit pokes? Her cr.MP and cr.MK are fantastic pokes, not to mention cr.MP is also a great anti-air along with cr.HP.

She has plenty of hitconfirms, the only problem is that they’re sometimes a little difficult to link. Her best one, cr.LK > cl.s.LK > cr.MK xx Senpusha is a one-frame link between close standing LK and crouching MK. If you are brave enough to store fireballs with her, though, her hitconfirm options become much better. cr.MK xx LK Release > Sweep is FANTASTIC.

Her dive kick and counter move are very situational. I disagree that she’ll stop working in two weeks - I actually think that as more people spend time playing her and get to know how she works, you might not even be able to see the end of the potential gimmicks involved with the counter and dive kick.

I know this is a hard question to answer but…what is the general timing for canceling an enemy fireball with the startup of Juri’s fireball? (the kick)? I have a hard time negating fireballs.

I would say a centimeter or two in front of Juri but speed of the fireball matters like the slowest ones. It’s not hard but I keep getting hit by fireballs because the start up time for her command counter looks like it has to be done earlier.

that c.mk xx lk release > sweep really iis amazing

I must be missing something…what’s so great about it?

about release into sweep? it’s hit confirmable and gives you an easy link for an untechable knockdown.

c.mk is a good poke
I’ve stuffed a lot of things with it
you don’t have to be really close to score the combo
and you score a knock down so if you want to apply pressure you can
or you can run away