Makes sense, you guys seem to be running a tight ship.
Saw the latest update on SF x T, I give up.
Man, I remember they showed game footage from comic con, I was so fuckin’ hyped.
How did they screw this up? SF4 is already scrub friendly enough as it is, STOP MAKING IT EVEN MOE SCRUB FRIENDLY!!
Super My Little Pony Fighting is Magic- Ver. 2012. Season 2 Edition!
It’s true!
This show is stupid, but the game doesn’t look that awful.
Again, STFU you lieing douchbag <3
So is this game officially endorsed by the makers and copyright holders of MLP, or is there a chance that ya’ll gonna get your asses sued? Anyway, I’m sold.
Also, this thread is extremely homosexual.
Just a giant work of fandom. They aren’t charging anything for it and refuse to take donations. I think that exchange of money would be the line.
… So the idea that people have preferences is totally out of the question? I mean… jeeze if you don’t like the show, whatever.
Regarding Pinkie Pie: In the show she hops around, so in the game will her movement be her hopping as well, instead of just normal movement like the others?
There is some footage of Pinkie in the Twilight trailer, but I can’t recall any walking.
She does sorta do the Iori kick though.
dunno why the only thing that i could thought after watching how she dances was this
also, it makes you wonder even when they have saved everyone twice, no one knows about the pack
I highly doubt they would sue. The games free, they aren’t claiming they own anything, and it would piss off some their most vocal and dedicated advertisers. Bronies. I think everything’s fine legally.
I remember the president of Hasbro was in Austin at one point (wasn’t aware it was him at first, so I talked to shit him, lawl).
During our convo, he stated that “30 out of 40 people who watch the new MLP are bronies”.
You guys are gay if the dude in charge of Hasbro knows that that shit is.
Im’ma stop you right there. It’s a common misconception but adult males DO NOT make up the majority of the people who watch the new MLP. I bet most 6 year old girls who watch the show wouldn’t go online about it… and lay off the gay shit. We’re only human. It’s just a show.
So then, you’re saying that 70% of ‘bronies’ are little girls?
That would make a lot of sense.
I think you have the wrong idea of what the term “Brony” means. It’s generally accepted as a unisex term that describes people who watch the show who are above the target age.
Yeah, a few girls call themselves that, doesn’t, excuse the term, magically make it unisex though.
Bro can also be used as a term for friend…
Plus, the term “Pegisister” is just… yeah.
All the female bronies I know prefer to be called brony, so it’s k.