MLP: Fighting Is Magic - A Fighting game for manly men only (New characters from MLP creator?!)

Are you man enough to handle the raw horsepower this game will produce? Can you pound the ground with the most powerful ponies to ever throw a punch? R U READY?!?!
…If not, go hit a few shots of everclear and come back.


you are going to read this post twice :smiley:

Princess Luna’s win quote 1

Princess Luna’s intro 2Princess Luna’s win quote 2

Princess Luna’s random win quote, intro, or taunt
Princess Luna’s random win quote & taunt

Princess Luna’s “talk” special

I find PL’s phrases are quite useable :pleased:


who dat 'Gief in this mutha?


I want to see Pinkie pies special moves. I’m hoping she will be a troll worthy character :wink:

Pinkie could be something like Faust + Deadpool perhaps? She needs a [S]scootaloo[/S] chicken costume special move.

Any news about this game that’s not on their homepage? I haven’t been keeping up.

Also, canon Luna > fanon Luna. But [S]Trollestia[/S] Celestia will always be my favorite princess.
Did not like the new kid pony.

To be fair, this is an anime fighter, there won’t really be a "Gief."
AJ is something of a grapler from what we’ve seen. She can chain into knockdowns, has a really ambiguous jump in, a command throw and on top of that, there’s her lasso, which we don’t really know how that works yet. I see a huge percentage of her game being get knockdown, set 50/50, lead back into knockdown.
Only question is how the juggle system comes into play and what her options are Vs air.
Also, Baiahnic FAAAAAAAAAARM!!!

I was actually thinking that Twilight and Spike could be a character together, sort of like Eddie from Guilty Gear, Carl from Blazblue, etc.


No Gief. Good Grief. I’m still gonna get on this when It drops.


Same VA also does Fluttershy… and about any other female pony you can think of that isn’t one of the main ones.

edit: Am I crazy or was that one pony in the new episode dressed up like Scorpion?

Anime games can have grapplers, like Potemkin and Tager or whoever. I’m betting on Big Mac to be the game’s grappler.

Yeah, but they function a bit differently in an engine that gives characters a bit more.
I’m just suggesting trying to find a character that plays exactly like Zangief is going to be rather difficult.

:clown: :clown:

No, that’s a different one.

It’s RD and AJ
PP and FS
Rarity, Luna, Nightmare Moon, Mayor

for voice actress sharing.

Or at least a Power type character.

Eeenope, the Mayor is done by the woman who’s doing Spike’s voice.

Wow, I cannot beleive my old account still works, hadn’t logged in years. Still really happy to see a thread about this game in here with no trolling.

And just to stay on topic: Derpy for heavy grappler please please with sprinkles on top.


Protector of Equestrian skies

Game has BB drives.