didn’t see a kano thread posted yet
Grab X-Ray for big damage
air throw
fast, quick recovery projectile
up ball is great anti-air
downball tricks
He can easily combo into a special after his overhead
weak high low mixup game??
didn’t see a kano thread posted yet
Grab X-Ray for big damage
air throw
fast, quick recovery projectile
up ball is great anti-air
downball tricks
He can easily combo into a special after his overhead
weak high low mixup game??
I’ve tried him a bit, and can’t even find a safe way to go low. His sweep has great range but seems slow as all hell.
command grab is not a grab… disappointing.
Didn’t test high/low/blocking, but I tested it’s wake-up potential with a friend in training and it’s absolutely worthless against that. Loses vs. sweep and uppercut even when done as a wake-up reversal.
Ball is the only option really, I think forward ball is quite good if they are trying to jump over you as you wake up, usually it GTFO to a safe distance if it whiffs, otherwise the wake-up invincibility beats meaties. Obviously if they sit and block you are in for a hurting when you spin out.
yeah seems about as smart as a wakeup shoryuken. ie only do one after you’ve convinced your opponent you are never going to do one.
oh i love kano so much.
its a shame that his :f:2 isnt a low, it would be great to have a low into a launcher. his mix up isnt great at all. cant really just poke and poke, which isnt that safe overall.
his cons are that his mixup is weak, and he doesnt have a GOOD 35%+ combo. yet.
heres my main combo with him, good luck landing that hit though.
(2,1,2) or (:f:3,2) dash, (2,1,2) dash, (
1,2) Fwd ball/Up ball (31% damage)
you need to hit them after the launch at about chest height, or else the 2,1,2 chain will whiff.
The choke is AMAZING for setting up a wake up game though, as they cant roll to get up.
The highest damage combo I’ve found with him is 34% off a jump in.
j. 1, :f:3, 2:, dash, (2,1,2), dash, (2,1,2), roll - 34% damage without meter.
Also, if you’re using a stick, an easier way to do his roll is :f:, :d:, , :u:. Can also get a pretty low to the ground air roll to maybe get over projectiles?
I’m interested in Kano so I’ll probably mess around with him some more, but I like a lot of the characters.
j.1, b+1,1,2 dash 2,1,2 dash 2,1,2 ball is 36%
His over head b+2,3 into up ball is the only combo I can get off of a mid for 18%
He seems more of a defensive fighter, his projectile is one of the most damaging in the game and he can anti-air with ball or up ball easy. I’d play more like Ryu or Guile and using his combo’s to punish over-zealous teleporters.
kano has an extremely long range on his sweep, you can condition your opponent with a few sweeps to get them to block low more often, then start mixing in the overhead.
not as good as having a string that includes an overhead or a low though.
Not my combo, but here’s a one meter corner combo for 40%
I beleive the notations are:
j.1 > b+1,1,2 > 2,1,2 > 2,1,2 > 1,1,2 > EX Up ball.
the cannonball is insane, crazy fast and seems to have insane priority… kano is scarier than shao kahn when he’s barrelling down your throat.
I don’t know how useful this will be to some people, but I had issues timing a horizontal ball after the BnB string, so I just dash at the end of the last 2,1,2 and did an up ball and it connects every time.
for some reason f,f, d,f+2 is easier for me than f,d,b,f
are you using a stick or pad? cause the cannonball motion on stick is reeaaally easy, just twirl and done.
yeah I’m on a pad.
I can do the ball fine outside of combo’s, but I was issues doing the cannonball after juggle, but now I can dash and do up ball for the exact same damage 100% of the time.
Like I said, I’m sure I’m the only one with this problem, but I found a work around for having sloppy fingers.
I don’t know if anyone has noticed this, but Kano can pretty much do instant air ball by doing d, b, u, f
Not sure what it could be used for though that regular ball couldn’t.
I like Kano. I might be running him a bit conservative. I usually play knife/Kano Ball games until I see a BnB opening. Anyone try to bait stuff with jumps for Kano Ball or JK/Air Throw? What kind of things do you do in matchups to get the 2,1,2 Up Ball variants set up?
I can get JK/Air Throw to work all the time, but can that be done after popups? It seems to whiff when I try to do the airthrow part.
That’s how I use him too. Last night, I had my first long session with some friends who are all varying degrees of decent and my Kano was doing well for himself. Being defensive vs non-teleporting characters makes their life difficult. up and horizontal balls make jumping tough, and once I had x-ray they were too afraid to even get close, allowing me free reign for zoning with knives.
Vs teleporting characters I had to play more of a bait and punish game, but I was able to perform more combo’s as a punish vs blocked moves against teleporters, than I was from just out right pressure and mix-ups, since Kano is really lacking in that department.
j1b112 dash 212 dash b12 kano up ball is i think 37%
i think the key to kano is being in that happy zone where ur sweep can barely hit. there u can use b2f1 kano up ball which is a 21% dmg overhead. also at that distance u well get them to jump in where u can up ball them. At that distance u can start a f3b2 combo as well tho usally not worth going for… i really wish that was a low attack cause it sure looks like one!!!playing defense with kano is very effective with the up ball. it is much harder to punish then a str8 kano ball… so use it much more!! Make them scared to let go of block!!! after blocking a teleport i use 33 kano up ball for ok dmg. you may be able to do something better but i have not experimented with that maybe b12 upball. jumping back and doing a kano ball is also very good defense!! b112 has a pretty good start up time compared to anything else he has imo. that combo not easy to do with lag tho.
Kano is one of the chars i like, but I really HATE that his ->2 kick is not a low…
It does not make sense that its high =/ It’s a shame really, cause I like him.
That is the only thing I want them to change about him, and I hope they do!
But I might main someone else thanks to this, but I do not know yet.
Cause PSN is still down and I want to play against real players,
before I can decide witch one I will main xD
Yeah, they’re fixing his f+FK, don’t worry.