MK1 | Ermac nonsense

lol. its amazing midway did the same thing but with all the colors in umk3.

You guys are still debating over this “over a decade, old as mold” rumor?:lol: It’s been proven false on several accounts. While we’re at it, why don’t we discuss unlocking Akuma in RE2? In order to unlock him, you must complete the entire game on the hardest difficulty, using only a handgun & combat knife.:rofl:

Way to repeat shit already said in this thread. :tup:

Ah the days before the internet, when crazy rumours were so believable…

I thought Ermac meant, “Earnings per machine”.

& some people don’t realize dry humor when they see it…:wonder:

Wow final got an image of the EGM SF2 Sheng Long page (nearly). Thanks alot EWAShock for scanning that in, and Dark Geese for bringing it to my attention.

PLEASE does anyone have a copy of the origonal page and could scan it in, in Hi-Res. This is one of the things I have been after for like 10 years. Please if anyone can find this up, pls let us know in the ‘golden era’ thread:

well hello there. i have to tell you guys something believe it or not ermac was really a fact. i’ve seen it back then when i was a 9 year old kid. i’ve never been a games magazine freak so i never knew about all this discussion about it. but today i tried to find how to play as ermac just for fun and found out that most people believe it never existed. i assume there is no explainable way to get this glitch so it really came in as an accident. let me tell you folks one true thing that happened please believe me its true. i really liked being around arcade machines back then, and this one day i was talking to my friends in the arcade store and the owner of this store whitch was a really good friend of mine called me to see the guy playing against ermac, and he told me that it was a really really hard thing to happen, it was the second time he was seeing it(note that the guy worked on the arcade store and he was a kind of arcade guru, really knew much about how the hardware worked on lots of machines), and that you needed to be lucky enough to reach some number in some ranking on some counter(s) of the game in a certain situation. sorry that was 16 years ago and i can’t remember exactly wht he told me about it, but i think it had something to do with reptile. anyway it was real i’ve really seen it and i believe most people in these forums never even played a real arcade machine, just mame emulators so i don’t give them much credit. this EWAShock dude says there is no possible mathematical way to find ermac, sorry but i think i saw ermac in another situation but can’t say it for sure now.

Top tier?

Are you kidding me?

He’s beyond broken.

Infinites off everything into everything and banned.

By the way, the strongest character in MK1 was ElderGOD but only a few warriors were worthy of witnessing his presence.

Tobias Boon too good:

Also, another rumor put to rest:

who the hell bumped this lmao? I made that post in 05!

Yeah, this really doesn’t need to be here.

Welp, it’s been about 7 years; just in time for another bump.


Never knew this is how ermac got started.