If it wasn’t enough paying for XBLive, I’m forced to play one of the shittiest netcode in the market that requres an online pass -_-.
Hypocrit much?
I Fucking love this game but Ive played like 60+ matches online and all were laggy for me. I played a shit load of ranked and have not won one match cause of trying to time my inputs with the lag (Scorpion, Kabal, Kung, Sonya, Smoke, and some others are just a fucking headache to play against in lag) .
I give props to the people who are a beast in the lag but sorry not me. (Im seein people who are ranked 120/23 for example, thats crazy man with this netcode)
I cant wait for them to fix this shit cause wants they do this game is gonna be perfect. Other then the netcode I <3 this game.
No one in this thread thinks the netplay in MK is anything other than broken, people aren’t busting your balls for that, they’re giving you a hard time because you’re acting like an irritating little child.
Agreed. Some characters in this game (quick specials/teleports that are hard to punish, good mixup target combos etc.) absolutely dominate under a bit of lag.
It’s really hard to play with any semblance of skill under the current situation with online. It’s just training players to do nothing but jump-in punch into uppercut, trying to land a bread & butter combo is just risky because it’s almost impossible to time.
It’s really a crying shame that the online is as bad as it is. The game is simply not intact online, it’s very frustrating. They made a great game as far as gameplay goes, but they really screwed the netcode/online up badly. A mistake this bad can easily sink the game.
Who cares? they were advertising that they were gonna fix any netcode problems as they appeared. You say your gonna be on top of any online problems, well, do it.
So the answer is yes, you are a hypocrit: you behave like an arrogant twat, using the word ‘child’ or somesuch to put me down, while doing exactly the same thing you call me a ‘child’ for yourself. Much like these other idiots.
Still, if you and the rest of your elitist arrogant little crowd want to sit on your hands while NRS laughs all the way to the bank be my guest. These companies get away with releasing subpar crap because there are so many apologists. The game is a joke and it’s success is purely based on nostalgia. Players were lied to by NRS and I see no reason why anyone should trust them to fix something so bad yet that they clearly felt was adequate for release.
They advertised a lot of things.
Being able to play online at all is a step up from the situation with PSN right now.
But yeah, when I played my room mate’s copy on his Xbox 360 I did get noticeable lag. It was playable, but still not a very smooth experience, and I don’t like having to compensate for lag when I play a fighter online. NRS, get on this.
The pot calling the kettle black.
Wow, damning a good competitive fighting game based on nothing but the Net-code.
MK is unplayable. It’s gameplay and competitiveness mean nothing if you can’t even get a match. What’s left? Unlocking the rubbish in the krypt? Fighting upside down in the challenge tower? Complete the story mode - then what? Not much to show for a much touted reimagination of this franchise? All the greatest combat mechanics in the world are no use if you can’t play the game. Netcode is the least of this game’s problems, and the fact that netcode is so important shows just how broken this game is.
Well, they are atm.
And that’s not the point. People jumped on his ass for saying this was NRS’s first game and were trying to say it isn’t, when it is.
Dem semantics.
Oh, Ghost Whistlers still here? How pathetic.
i have to say i played quite a bit online last night, and it was noticeably better than it had been in the past with quite a few players i faced. i still had the crappy ones, but i also had some that were definitely playable and stuff could be punished on reaction insetad of prediction.
i also had some actual good messages exchanged after 2 of my matches, for the first time ever in this game. these also came from 2 of the people who i had good connections with, and they actually knew what they were doing as well. friended them up after our sessions.
also had shit ton of ragequit as usual.
I totally agree. In fact, I think they really should have the leader boards based around this too. It’s better for the players, it would probably get them into the game more if they’re the 20th best player say on the east coast rather than the 100th best in north America (or whatever the regions are for MK.).
That will never happen.
MK is very playable, hence the events, and community backing the game, gameplay and competitiveness is what comes 1st. NRS has advertised this game to be geared for competitive play, more then anything else. Online isn’t the only way to get a match.
Your just spreading mindless hate now, Online isn’t the end all be all for games. Sure decent Online would be cool for MK9, but don’t going around calling the game a Joke just cuz the Online is trash.
Shoryuken - EVO Announces Lineup for EVO 2011 Fighting Game Tournament!
You better let the EVO officials know about this!!! HURRY!!!
Netcode is the least of MK’s problems? Then please enlighten the court on every other shitty part of MK.
Anyone getting “The Mortal Kombat server is not available at this time” message that doesn’t allow them to view/join chat rooms? I’ve been getting it for a week while others on my friend list have been joining rooms fine.