Mixups N Questions

This might be slightly lengthy but I don’t think I can properly ask certain situational questions without explaining a couple setups. Gotta start by saying that this mostly involved sa3 mixups and certain questions that go along with it.

Question 1->
If you get someone in block stun with sa3 active and just sit there doing single rep lp manti slashes can they do anything but block or red parry? (I don’t think so). If they red parry can they even do anything? My testing in training indicates that the shades even stuff a throw or jab after red parry. If thats correct wouldn’t that make this immune to basically everything except moves that start up invulnerable? I’ve only had a few opps red parry online in this situation… but in EVERY case it caused an sa3 combo to start b/c wtver they stuck out after the red parry got beat by shades.

You knock em down somewhere midscreen… and activate sa3 while they are down… BEFORE they stand you do a single HP mantis over them so they stand up into the shades (yang himself can block or do wtver by now so he should be safe.)

Question 2->
This goes along with question 1… but in this case can anything be done other than block, invincible moves, or (seemingly) failed red parries? If not then knockdown, activate hp mantis xx lp mantis is basically a damn safe bet that if they don’t block leads right into sa3 combos… and if they do block or parry leaves em in blockstun hell with more forced guesses incoming.

Knockdown -> sa3 activate… do what i was talking about with repping blocked lp manti slashes… after between 1 and 3 reps teleport behind (lk teleport to go for cmd grap, mk to space past them so that you outrange their sweep but are still in range to punish with mantis. Is there something better frame wise to use there instead of lp mantis before the teleport? Some better frame situation? Or would it just be worthless to gain a few frames if it means you telegraph the move that always come before the teleport. OK i just answered that myself. But tell me I’m wrong if that’s the case.

Question 3->
Can I activate sa3 mid combo? Oh I know I’ve read that the answer is no in at least 7 places in these forums… but then I see it clearly happen on video (K.O.). It just looked like anti-air close mk, activate, mk roll kick. Is this highly character specific? I wanna say it was chun I saw him do it to… but I can’t get it to work on her.

Question 4->
Will yangs cmd grab BEAT a normal throw when both go off at once… IF the command grab outranges it properly? OR will yang get normal thrown during the “lean in” portion of the move?

Question(s) 5->
Are there any combo’s only possible by starting it with a shade hit and has this been tested much? Last night a ken who was right on top of me neutral jumped and I did close mk… but I did it early… by the time he came down he got launched by only the last shade it. Does that shade hit count only once against juggle or take up multiple points like a real close mk would there? Does this make any other juggles become available by thinking along these lines?

I know most of this stuff is old and has been used for years by sa3 users and it has been working pretty good for me. I’m more at the stage of wondering how I can improve on some of this… and wondering what I’ll eventually find people able to counter with consistently.

I believe the only one I can honestly answer is #4 since I’m still learning Yang myself,but his command grab usually gets beat out because it starts up much slower than normal grabs which have 3 frame start up,which of course you already seem to know. But,I’ve only ever gotten the command grab to work when close up to my opponent. Outside of that range I haven’t had any luck even when they’ve stuck out something or have tried their own regular throw. The lean in just makes you look stupid and leaves you vulnerable. lol
Hell,I think the opponent has almost just enough time for their throw to wiff then walk up and try again while you’re still recovering. Or at least kara throw you.

BUT,if there is a proper range,I just haven’t figured it out yet. And if the usual SF rules apply here as well,and they do,the command grab should beat the normal throw. But,your command grab would have to go off a few frames before your opponents grab instead of at the same time for the active frames to be able to come in contact with each other.