MisterEgoTrip has passed away.

I can’t believe it guys, this is a serious thread, i’m in shock, our friend, ego, the leader of NHC has passed away, i can’t find any words now and i feel sad.

You can find out more about his death here: >
R.I.P ego, i’ll never forget your personality, your spirit, our great conversations and thank you for everything!

I don’t suppose the details could be reposted for the benefit of those who don’t have fb accounts?

I’m very sorry to hear about this. I always enjoyed my games with Mr. EgoTrip and looked forward to playing him again when I saw that he’d posted recently.

My sympathies to his friends and family.

This is truly sad, he was a good guy to play against and talk to. I hadn’t played him in so long, he was one of the better E. Honda’s online he will be missed

Very, very sad. The Sumo club has lost one of it’s best members. Thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.

RIP bro. Someone paste the facebook contents cuz most of us don’t have fb accounts.

Damn that sucks, RIP bro. I played EgoTrip 100s of times when I use to play this game. I might just have to fire good ol’ HDR up and play some games in his honor.

Sucks. The man was responsible for helping me learn Honda mirrors, then how to learn the Honda matchup with Bison. Above all that, however, he was an amazing person in general.

I’m really saddened by the news. I don’t have the words…but I’ll try.

It is not common for there to be such a jovial, good-natured, and constructive guy in the realm of online competitive gaming. Ego is one of the few players who had the patience to help a “noob” along and provide nonjudgmental advice. He introduced me to the No Honor concept which was about eliminating limitations (self-imposed or otherwise) rather than antagonizing the uninitiated. In fact, he was one of the nicest guys I’d bumped into when he could have easily scorned me like so many talented players (e.g. "You fucking suck, scrub!).

He is one of the main reasons that I don’t blow total arse any more. But beyond the game, he had a great sense of humor. In fact, the most memorable interactions were in the NHC chat where Ego would regale us with his sharp sense of humor and seemingly indefatigable mouth–which was perfectly fine since he really was a magnetic individual.

He was definitely the kind of person I would have love to have met IRL because he saw SF as merely a component of life–not life itself. That perspective was readily apparent by the discourse that we had on real life situations. Ron was a pithy man when he wanted to be and he gave me jewels of wisdom that extended beyond the game.

If there’s a heaven, I know that you’re in it–displaying unadulterated “sumo prowess” all the while. God bless, old bean.

R.I.P Ego, a great SF player and nice person.

Rest In Peace MisterEgoTrip I Remember First Playing You In Late 2008 When I Bought HDR & How Much Fun We Had Playing All Night Long Until We Were 2 Sleepy 2 Continue. All The Great Chat Room Sessions We Had… I Will Never Forget You Bro. You Will Always Be In My Heart ggs 4 EVER NHC 4 EVER

This is sad news I played this cat a few times in HDR R.I.P.

Moments like these make you realize how fleeting life can be…R.I.P. Mr Ego Trip!

RIP Ego, you will be missed.

Thanks for all the HDR beatings and helping up my Honda game.

Although I only knew of him, I know he will be sincerely missed by many. Clearly this was a man of great moral character that was taken too soon. Rest in peace.

For anybody who doesn’t have a facebook account:


Sad to hear. NHC for life!

Played with him online a few times. Awesome player and nice guy.

Wish I had gotten to meet him in person. I would’ve given him a hundred hand slaps on the back.

I can’t believe this. I just found out recently. One of the best HDR players I’ve ever met, period. You will be missed. Still have you on my friends list and that’s how it’s gonna stay.