Mist Stepping Shortcut

I’m a pad player and having trouble with miststep/EWGF. Any suggestions or shortcuts I can use? I use analogue stick btw.

Doing F,N and DF has made my Kazuya so much better. I’m always finishing off my combos now, then before.

Not sure if any one mention anything about holding the stick a certain way but i found out holding the stick with your. Thumb index finger and middle. “while holding the ball top from the top” and doing F, HCF works very well! I have been practicing how to do this for some days now and finally found out the trick! It really depends out much strength you can use from your wrist! So keep that in mind.

Thinking about a dragon punch motion helped my mist stepping

2xQCF results in Demon God Fist.

This method of canceling cr.HP into WGF works very well (on pad at least):

:d: :df:+:hp: :d: :df:+:mp:

Thanks! This worked perfectly for me! Now I almost never drop those combos! BIG thanks again! First I thought the crouching normals to mist step was harder than standing, but now it’s the opposite :).

I agree, timing in Tekken is stricter.

Abolishing fist > EWGF is indeed hard, harder then anything I’ve seen in SFxT concerning Kazuya.

That’s why 2D players will have a hard time playing Kaz or Mishima’s in general in Tekken, because you can’t plink. I have seen players plink EWGF and I am like SMH…