Mist step tips,what worked for me may work for you

During blockstrings i did forward while attacking then piano’d DF.

during combo’s i pressed F while poking,waited half a sec then DF,this helped me a lot.

during cr hp i pressed FDF as fast as possible,it’s working for me slowly and i’m improving it.

i don’t know if these are useful to you,i just found the methods posted elsewhere difficult and just tried to do it with the normal input,sharing this incase someone else isn’t comfy as well.

Wavedash on people’s wakeup and do Electric on meaty, this beats 90% of the online players, especially Shoto’s and Cammy that want to tag cancel their Dp.
Wavedash, into throw. Just wavedash and let the last wavedash go empty, and then throw, works wonders.

whats a meaty?