Anant can do fast fly?? wtf???
Hmm, not working this weekend like I thought I was (only friday). So I should be able to come to Countdown. Only problem is that is the date of the tryouts is friday?
WTF? Tryouts?
Yea, basically Bry and Gerjay make us play marvel till our fingers bleed and whoever survives their rapings gets to be a part of the 5 on 5.
One day before the tourney? Maybe i’ll come…
Hmm…I thought the ppl for the Countdown where already decided…
i dunno i doubt this round robin will even happen. Unless we go to lessards or something we cant all go one place to do it. My house wouldnt be available for everyone to come over and do this round robin I don’t think see as how its gonna be like 10 people.
bry gerjay and matt dont even have to try out in my opinion. Toss maybe james and teddy on there and we got a 5 player team. Unless my step brother wants on the team and beats james or teddy for the spot which might happen. I dunno… if the round robin doesn’t happen we’ll just have to try to pick the next best 2 people and do our best.
Why can’t it be at EMTC?
Mas sticks > emtc
Personally i think emtc is worse than jap sticks (now anyways). I remember double tapping forward and I went backwards :wasted:
Bryan/Gerjay/Matt/James/Teddy w/The Mouth as an alternate if anyone can’t make it.
Just my two cents…
Does everyone have a ride to ORBIT next weekend? I think I’ll have two spots open after Pererick & Jerris as I don’t think Tyrell or Steve are attending. I’d like you guys to sort out your travel situation and let me know. Be forewarned I’m directing, which means if you go 2 and out you’re stuck until literally the end of the tournament and then you’re forced to pay for KBBQ because that’s what a lot of us are doing afterwards.
Oh yeah, and it’s $5 for gas. GGPO!
Can you come pick me up justin?
No… I don’t like you. You get to walk to ORBIT.
Could I get a ride??? And how much is a KBBQ??
I wasn’t aware the Beast was leached.
Whats the details of orbit (never been). Cost, location, day… how badly ill get owned. I might just go with my van and say 5$ fer gas…
before i can make any FOR SURE plans… i gotta call work tomorrow and see when im working over the weekend.
Ok, well the only reason why I want to go is for the 5v5, but I don’t want that to have an effect on whoever is picking the team.
So Bry and Gerjay needs to come up with a team and quick, so I can make plans for sat if I don’t hack it
It’s in Markham at the intersection of Kennedy Road East & Steeles Avenue. There are more than enough people who have been there before that could guide you (except Shu and Anant who are clueless when it comes to directions).
Cost is really what you make it to be. It’s just an arcade like any other.
Don’t think for a second you won’t get owned. You’ll learn A LOT in a very short amount of time if you pay attention though.
KBBQ is about $15-17 after tax and tip iirc.
I see that Justin already covered the directions, so no need for me to elaborate. But be warned…chinese driving > you.
i hope nobody participates for that foolishness.